One of the world’s most successful investors, Warren Buffett once said, “Never invest in a business you cannot understand.” So, on the 24th of November, 2021, keeping this motto in mind, the stock market training collective of the Bhawanipur Education Society College, “Bullseye” organised a seminar on “Understanding Annual Reports for Investing.” This event was organised by Siddharth Lathia of second year Bcom honours.
The guest speaker of the event was Mr. Chetan Panchamia, who is a faculty in the course, “Dynamics of Capital Market” of the Career Connect Initiative of our college. About 100 students attended this two- and half-hour long session which took place in the Placement Hall around 4:30 pm, where they learned how to correctly assess and analyse companies on the basis of their annual reports. Special emphasis was given on conducting fundamental analysis of companies by understanding their PE ratios and accordingly make smart and profitable investments.
Eventually, as the session drew to a close, the floor was opened to questions by the enthusiastic and curious audience and Mr. Panchamia was equally elated to address all their queries. With that, the event was successfully concluded. The students of our college are eagerly looking forward to discover more about the secrets of the stock market through future events like this. The event was inaugurated by Prof. Dilip Shah, the dean of our college.
1. Name of the Activity: Community Catalyst: A One Day Outreach Activity 2. Category of the Activity (EXTENSION/OUTREACH/ENVIRONMENTAL): OUTREACH 3. Organising unit: Department of Computer Science, In association with NSS of The BES College and with collaboration with Aalok Foundation 4. Date/ duration of the activity: 29th June 2024 5. Time: 12:00 PM – 2:00 …
The Department of Political Science in collaboration with West Bengal Political Science Association (WBPSA), organized the 22nd Annual Conference of the Association and an International Seminar on “75 Years of Indian Republic” on 21st and 22nd June 2024. The event was graced by the august presence of renowned scholars and academicians like Prof. Arun Kumar …
The flyer was released in internet on 30th June 2021. The registration was free but mandatory. The college management provided the requisite support for the webinar. The webinar was approved by IQAC of the college. Registration was conducted through Google form. Total number of registered person was about 90. Total number of students and teachers …
Understanding Annual Reports for Investing
One of the world’s most successful investors, Warren Buffett once said, “Never invest in a business you cannot understand.” So, on the 24th of November, 2021, keeping this motto in mind, the stock market training collective of the Bhawanipur Education Society College, “Bullseye” organised a seminar on “Understanding Annual Reports for Investing.” This event was organised by Siddharth Lathia of second year Bcom honours.
The guest speaker of the event was Mr. Chetan Panchamia, who is a faculty in the course, “Dynamics of Capital Market” of the Career Connect Initiative of our college. About 100 students attended this two- and half-hour long session which took place in the Placement Hall around 4:30 pm, where they learned how to correctly assess and analyse companies on the basis of their annual reports. Special emphasis was given on conducting fundamental analysis of companies by understanding their PE ratios and accordingly make smart and profitable investments.
Eventually, as the session drew to a close, the floor was opened to questions by the enthusiastic and curious audience and Mr. Panchamia was equally elated to address all their queries. With that, the event was successfully concluded. The students of our college are eagerly looking forward to discover more about the secrets of the stock market through future events like this. The event was inaugurated by Prof. Dilip Shah, the dean of our college.
Report by:
Rishav Nayak
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