“For a colonised people the most essential value, because the most concrete, is first and foremost the land: the land which will bring them bread, and above all, dignity”- Frantz Fanon
On 6.05.2023, the Department of History of the Bhawanipur Education Society College had organised its Annual Student Seminar. The theme of the seminar was ‘The Coloniser and the Colonised’. On the occasion of the seminar, students presented their research papers that were symbolic of their early engagement with the realm of academia. The seminar was commenced by inviting words from our senior professors, and formally was chaired with a brief overview of the topic of concern, inviting students to start the programme. The participants were from all semesters and it was heartening to see students of our II and IV semesters participating.
The topics presented ran an entire gamut of arguments from topics ranging on the Anglicist- Orientalist debate on education, Women’s education, the revolt of 1857. Among certain other topics included the economic impact of colonial rule in India, Partition- an analysis of Saadat Hassan Manto’s Tauba Tek Singh, the issue of slavery and racial discrimination in Latin America.
Numbering a total of 15 papers presented, certain other papers included an investigation into the colonial origins of the sport of Cricket, with reference to the evolution of the Ranji trophy, cinema and history- with reference to the Algerian War of Independence, war tactics and machinery used during the course of the Vietnam War, the Homeopathic Wars of Imperialism and lastly the use of songs as a mode of protest in the Peoples’ Movement.
The seminar was also meant to be interactive and after each set of papers, the audience were given the opportunity to question the presenter or to offer feedback and suggestions on the presentations. While some of the papers dealt with the intellectual ‘apparatus of control; namely education, others still marshalled various sources and brought in richer interpretations of history. It felt immensely gratifying to have been facilitators through the length of the seminar and to get to see our students stepping up as young researchers. As professors, we were delighted to see the level of student participation, indeed the success of the seminar was dependent on student initiative and collaboration.
Semester VI students had taken up the mantle of work onto their shoulders and oversaw the papers of their juniors. The seminar concluded with a vote of thanks by senior professors. Formally the event concluded with the distribution of certificates of participation among the student presenters. The posters and certificates of participation had also been designed by our students. The seminar session thus concluded with engaging thoughts, with great gusto, smiles and cheer among all attendees.
A discussion meet on “Companies Act 2013” was held on 27th of March 2015 at Room no. G1 in the evening at 5:00 p.m. There have been wide spread changes in the law which needs to be understood well by all and hence the meet was timely and topical.
Click the Link for Schedule of Intra college selection trials / championship for the session 2022-23: https://tinyurl.com/22-23sports Click the Link for Registration of Intra College Selection Trials / Championship for the year 2022-23: https://tinyurl.com/sportsatbesc22-23 Please Note that the Last date for registration is 19-11-2022 (for all sports).
On 19th December, 2014, Sketching was held at 1st floor Valia hall. The judge of this event was Dr. Somsankar Roy. They got 1hr 30 minutes to complete their sketching. The event was hosted by Vishal Patel. There were 10 participants from various colleges. The topic was disclosed to them in the spot. The participants …
“A teacher affects eternity. He can never tell where his influence stops.” – Henry B Adams Teachers are parent like figures whom we rely on to learn some basic to complicated lessons and some of the greatest principles and ethics in life. Gone are the days, when people associated teachers with whips and a vehement …
Student Seminar
“For a colonised people the most essential value, because the most concrete, is first and foremost the land: the land which will bring them bread, and above all, dignity”- Frantz Fanon
On 6.05.2023, the Department of History of the Bhawanipur Education Society College had organised its Annual Student Seminar. The theme of the seminar was ‘The Coloniser and the Colonised’. On the occasion of the seminar, students presented their research papers that were symbolic of their early engagement with the realm of academia. The seminar was commenced by inviting words from our senior professors, and formally was chaired with a brief overview of the topic of concern, inviting students to start the programme. The participants were from all semesters and it was heartening to see students of our II and IV semesters participating.
The topics presented ran an entire gamut of arguments from topics ranging on the Anglicist- Orientalist debate on education, Women’s education, the revolt of 1857. Among certain other topics included the economic impact of colonial rule in India, Partition- an analysis of Saadat Hassan Manto’s Tauba Tek Singh, the issue of slavery and racial discrimination in Latin America.
Numbering a total of 15 papers presented, certain other papers included an investigation into the colonial origins of the sport of Cricket, with reference to the evolution of the Ranji trophy, cinema and history- with reference to the Algerian War of Independence, war tactics and machinery used during the course of the Vietnam War, the Homeopathic Wars of Imperialism and lastly the use of songs as a mode of protest in the Peoples’ Movement.
The seminar was also meant to be interactive and after each set of papers, the audience were given the opportunity to question the presenter or to offer feedback and suggestions on the presentations. While some of the papers dealt with the intellectual ‘apparatus of control; namely education, others still marshalled various sources and brought in richer interpretations of history. It felt immensely gratifying to have been facilitators through the length of the seminar and to get to see our students stepping up as young researchers. As professors, we were delighted to see the level of student participation, indeed the success of the seminar was dependent on student initiative and collaboration.
Semester VI students had taken up the mantle of work onto their shoulders and oversaw the papers of their juniors. The seminar concluded with a vote of thanks by senior professors. Formally the event concluded with the distribution of certificates of participation among the student presenters. The posters and certificates of participation had also been designed by our students. The seminar session thus concluded with engaging thoughts, with great gusto, smiles and cheer among all attendees.
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Click the Link for Schedule of Intra college selection trials / championship for the session 2022-23: https://tinyurl.com/22-23sports Click the Link for Registration of Intra College Selection Trials / Championship for the year 2022-23: https://tinyurl.com/sportsatbesc22-23 Please Note that the Last date for registration is 19-11-2022 (for all sports).
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