Ever been stuck somewhere (Waiting room, waiting on food, math class) and only had a calculator to play with?
At first you may type out some stuff like 99999 X 1.0012874 or hEllO, but you run out of things to do after that.
Most people utilize a calculator for basic functionality, but that is only the tip of the iceberg. Learning the secrets of the advanced functions on the calculator can give you a leg up when it comes to math examinations or day-to-day problem solving.
Imagine a boring CT 512 calculator and a scientific one before you, which one would you choose? The scientific one but not after attending this webinar.
The college organised the third edition of ‘Calculator Secrets’ with Prof. Vivek Patwari on 6th February,2021. Recalling its memories, the first edition too place on 6th September 2018 and second on 26th September 2019. This edition was a bit special as it was conducted online via Zoom coordinated by Aditi Sinolia. Over an attendance of more than 400 Students and faculty members.
Prof. Patwari was felicitated at the onset of a mind-blowing session.
The session explored the tips and tricks that can be applied by students to calculate everything from square root to logarithms using just a regular old-fashioned calculator.
Students had an educational enlightening session and learned short cuts about the use of calculators which would help them in future examination.
So finally, it was all about CT 512 and yes, it is not boring. Grab your calculator if you haven’t yet, and let’s Get Ready….Set….Calculate….
On 19 th February 2021 at 11:30 am on Zoom meetings, the webinar on Mental and Vedic Maths, world’s fastest mental algebraic mathematic system was organised by the college. 63 students were present in the webinar. The event was presented by the Prof. Dushyant Chaturvedi. I have a question for you, ‘what is the square …
The Department of Political Science organized a Prize Distribution Ceremony on December 14, 2023 in Room Number 530 for the students of Semester III, to recognise their achievements in all types of academic and disciplinary activities during the semester. This ceremony is based upon the various Academic and Disciplinary measures introduced by the Department for …
“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.” With this in mind, The Bhawanipur Education Society College’s Department of Business Administration hosted its annual inter-college management fest, ‘BONFIRE,’ sponsored by Gioia, to provide a platform for students to demonstrate their abilities. BONFIRE is an acronym for BONDING-ORGANISING-NEGOTIATION-FOCUS-INTUTION-RESPONSIBILITY and …
आजादी के अमृत महोत्सव की शृंखला में हिन्दी विभाग की ओर से 18.4.2022 को एक कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किया गया जिसका विषय था ‘आजादी का अमृत महोत्सव हिन्दी राष्ट्रीय कवियों के परिप्रेक्ष्य में’ । कार्यक्रम का आरंभ एजुकेशन विभाग की वरिष्ठ प्राध्यापिका डॉ. रेखा नारीवाल के सुमधुर गणेश वंदना से हुआ । गणेश वंदना के …
Secrets of Calculator
Ever been stuck somewhere (Waiting room, waiting on food, math class) and only had a calculator to play with?
At first you may type out some stuff like 99999 X 1.0012874 or hEllO, but you run out of things to do after that.
Most people utilize a calculator for basic functionality, but that is only the tip of the iceberg. Learning the secrets of the advanced functions on the calculator can give you a leg up when it comes to math examinations or day-to-day problem solving.
Imagine a boring CT 512 calculator and a scientific one before you, which one would you choose? The scientific one but not after attending this webinar.
The college organised the third edition of ‘Calculator Secrets’ with Prof. Vivek Patwari on 6th February,2021. Recalling its memories, the first edition too
place on 6th September 2018 and second on 26th September 2019. This edition was a bit special as it was conducted online via Zoom coordinated by Aditi Sinolia. Over an attendance of more than 400 Students and faculty members.
Prof. Patwari was felicitated at the onset of a mind-blowing session.
The session explored the tips and tricks that can be applied by students to calculate everything from square root to logarithms using just a regular old-fashioned calculator.
Students had an educational enlightening session and learned short cuts about the use of calculators which would help them in future examination.
So finally, it was all about CT 512 and yes, it is not boring. Grab your calculator if you haven’t yet, and let’s Get Ready….Set….Calculate….
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“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.” With this in mind, The Bhawanipur Education Society College’s Department of Business Administration hosted its annual inter-college management fest, ‘BONFIRE,’ sponsored by Gioia, to provide a platform for students to demonstrate their abilities. BONFIRE is an acronym for BONDING-ORGANISING-NEGOTIATION-FOCUS-INTUTION-RESPONSIBILITY and …
‘आजादी का अमृत महोत्सव हिन्दी राष्ट्रीय कवियों के परिप्रेक्ष्य में’
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