“Words are powerful,they can create or they can destroy. So choose your words wisely.”
The Department of Management of TheBhawanipur Education Society College today inaugurated the first ever scrabble competition. A total number of 40 students participated comprising of 1st, 2nd and 3rd years. The partakers exhibited zest of competitive spirit. This game is an exemplary example of an amalgamation of spontaneity, imagination and perspicacious.
The competiton was played in four rounds in pairs with a time limit of seven minutes per game where as in the semi-finals and the finals the time extended to ten minutes. The Event management core committee members Thushar Venugopal and khizirJaffri collocated the entire event and it wouldn’t have been such a grand sucesss without the support from the event management volunteers.
An Orientation session on The Bengal Global Trade Expo, 2023 was conducted by the college on 17th of January, 2023 to initiate the students for the upcoming Bengal Global Trade Expo, to be held from the 25th January to the 29th of January 2023. Mr. N. Kapadia, the secretary of the BGTE, 2023 spoke about …
On the 5th of January 2015 an International Conference on ‘Emerging issues in Global Economy, Commerce and Management: Opportunities and Challenges’ was held in the college auditorium from 9:45 am. The welcome address was given by Prof. Lalit Kr. Joshi, Conference Secretary.
DAY 1 Youth Empowerment Society (YES) organised an informative and developmental programme, PDP (Personality Development Programme) for the students. It was conducted in 2 sessions for 5 days, the first one by Mr Jay Shankar and the other by Mrs Gargi Sen.
Environmental Development Committeeof The Bhawanipur Education Society College organised a popular lecture on ‘Impact of climate change on the Sundarbans’ by Dr. Sugata Hazra, Professor and Director, School of Oceanographic Studies, Jadavpur University, Kolkata on 19th January 2015 at the 2nd floor auditorium.
“Words are powerful,they can create or they can destroy. So choose your words wisely.”
The Department of Management of TheBhawanipur Education Society College today inaugurated the first ever scrabble competition. A total number of 40 students participated comprising of 1st, 2nd and 3rd years. The partakers exhibited zest of competitive spirit. This game is an exemplary example of an amalgamation of spontaneity, imagination and perspicacious.
The competiton was played in four rounds in pairs with a time limit of seven minutes per game where as in the semi-finals and the finals the time extended to ten minutes. The Event management core committee members Thushar Venugopal and khizirJaffri collocated the entire event and it wouldn’t have been such a grand sucesss without the support from the event management volunteers.
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