On Vasant Panchami, or shall we say Saraswati Puja in the presence on the deity, near the turf of the college, 5 orphans children stood for “HATHE KORI” which means worship for literary. The NSS unit of the college under the guidance of Prof. Gargi took the initiative. Volunteers of NSS flagged off “EACH ONE, TEACH ONE” program where these children will be taught by the students of the college. A slate and chalk were given to them by the pandit.
The vice chairman of the college, Mr. Miraj Shah was present at the occasion along with other senior members of the management committee and college faculty.
Aarti and puspanjali were offered for goddess of learning by the students present. Mr. Manikant Choudhury, Mr. Rupesh Gandhi had organised the entire event with lot of fervour and devoutness. Dr Vasundhara Mishra along with students Deepti Pancharia and Roshni Mulani anchored the entire proceeding.
On the occasion of Saraswati puja, 29 faculty members were honoured with Saraswati-Samman which include a shawl, a bag of goodies and cash rewards as well. Faculty honoured were from all streams. They were:
Sr No.
Sr No.
Akash Mehta
Priyanka Banerjee
Anamika Pal
Runa Ganguli
Asok Kr. Bose
Sampa Sinha Basu
Atreyee Ganguly
Sanjib Halder
Chiranjib Mitra
Saugata Konar
Chitrangada Deb
Shawni Dutta
Debjani Ganguly
Shreyansh Shah
Debarati Guha
Soumya Bhattacharjee
Dyuti Sinha
Suchandra Chakraborty
Gargi Guha Niyogi
Tridib Sengupta
Jayjit Chakraborty
Utsa Das
Joyeta Bhadury
Vivek Patwari
Kasturi Mukherjee
Sreyasi Ghosh
Minakshi Chaturvedi
Sayan Roy
Piu Chatterjee
Various competitions were organised i.e., Rangoli Making, Shlok Recitation, Aarti thali decoration and Poster Making. The winners of the competition were as below:
Rangoli Making –
a) KOMAL THAKUR and SHRUTI PRADHAN (1st position) b) SRISHTI JALAN and ROSHAN ARA HASI (2nd position) c) SAKSHI DESAI and ZALAK SHAH (3rd position)
Shlok Recitation–
a) ANJALI DUBEY (1st position) b) KASHISH DOLANI (2nd position) c) ARNAB DAS (3rd position)
Aarti Thali Making – a) DHWANI PATEL (1st position) b) DRISTI SAFAR (2nd position) c) MEGHALI SENGUPTA (3rd position)
Poster Making–
a) VARDA SHAREEF (1st position) b) SRISHTI JHUMJHUNWALA (2nd position) c) MUSKAN DHINGRA (3rd position)
The event ended with delicious bhog which everyone enjoyed to their heart’s content. Finally, Prof. Dilip Shah offered a hearty vote of thanks.
Dr. Esita Sur, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Scottish Church College, delivered a lecture entitled Women’s Movements, Histories and Narratives: Revisiting the journey. Dr Sur traced the evolution of the womens’ movement in India. She spoke about the role of Women in the nationalist struggle against colonial power and then subsequently in the post …
When the students graduating from The Bhawanipur College were asked ‘what were the most memorable moments you had during these last 3-year journeys? Eventually, every student with the same enthusiasm said, “it’s the Graduation Felicitation Ceremony”. Every year this ceremony takes place at Kalamandir or the GD Birla auditorium. Around 300-400 students graduate from the …
With more than 4 lakh Chartered Accountants in this country, The Bhawanipur Education Society College jointly organized a seminar on “Nuggets for Professional Success” with the ICAI Board of Studies (Academy) to provide aspiring CA students with nuggets on how to achieve success in life. The event was hosted by the Eastern India Regional Council …
Social media is an innate part of our lives today. Our life revolves around these social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, etc. The amount of time that we spend online is quite certainly more than what we think. As per research, an average social media user spends around two and half hours daily on …
Saraswati Puja 2021
On Vasant Panchami, or shall we say Saraswati Puja in the presence on the deity, near the turf of the college, 5 orphans children stood for “HATHE KORI” which means worship for literary. The NSS unit of the college under the guidance of Prof. Gargi took the initiative. Volunteers of NSS flagged off “EACH ONE, TEACH ONE” program where these children will be taught by the students of the college. A slate and chalk were given to them by the pandit.
The vice chairman of the college, Mr. Miraj Shah was present at the occasion along with other senior members of the management committee and college faculty.
Aarti and puspanjali were offered for goddess of learning by the students present. Mr. Manikant Choudhury, Mr. Rupesh Gandhi had organised the entire event with lot of fervour and devoutness. Dr Vasundhara Mishra along with students Deepti Pancharia and Roshni Mulani anchored the entire proceeding.
On the occasion of Saraswati puja, 29 faculty members were honoured with Saraswati-Samman which include a shawl, a bag of goodies and cash rewards as well. Faculty honoured were from all streams. They were:
Various competitions were organised i.e., Rangoli Making, Shlok Recitation, Aarti thali decoration and Poster Making. The winners of the competition were as below:
Rangoli Making –
a) KOMAL THAKUR and SHRUTI PRADHAN (1st position)
b) SRISHTI JALAN and ROSHAN ARA HASI (2nd position)
c) SAKSHI DESAI and ZALAK SHAH (3rd position)
Shlok Recitation–
a) ANJALI DUBEY (1st position)
b) KASHISH DOLANI (2nd position)
c) ARNAB DAS (3rd position)
Aarti Thali Making –
a) DHWANI PATEL (1st position)
b) DRISTI SAFAR (2nd position)
c) MEGHALI SENGUPTA (3rd position)
Poster Making–
a) VARDA SHAREEF (1st position)
b) SRISHTI JHUMJHUNWALA (2nd position)
c) MUSKAN DHINGRA (3rd position)
The event ended with delicious bhog which everyone enjoyed to their heart’s content. Finally, Prof. Dilip Shah offered a hearty vote of thanks.
Reported by: ADITI SINOLIA
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