On 14th February 2022, The Bhawanipur Education Society College organised a webinar on, “ROAD TO A GLOBAL MASTER’S DEGREE AND IMPORTANCE OF GMAT” in association with Erudite. The session was held so that the opportunities and importance of GMAT exams gains clarity for MBA aspirants. The event was organised on Zoom Meetings.
The speaker for the event was Upashana Borpuzari from GMAC – a global, mission-driven association of leading graduate business schools. She focused on the importance of GMAT and gave insights on universities requiring GMAT exams and its importance in UK. She also discussed about opportunities for undergraduates and top Indian business schools to accept GMAT for their full time PGDM program
The session ended around 1:20 P.M. It was concluded by Meghali Sengupta, the college representative, asking questions sent by the attendees about the session. It was an insightful discussion session as Global Study Opportunities and GMAT Volume is Expanding Worldwide. And it is one of the most commonly required aptitude tests for admission to international business schools.
Organized by the Department of Commerce (Afternoon & Evening section) UG & PG In collaboration with IQAC Convenor: Mr. Saspo Chakraborty Organizing Secretary: Ms. Gargi Platform: Video Conferencing through Google Meet Date: September 26, 2020- Saturday (4pm to 6pm) A webinar on “COVID-19 and the Policy Conundrum: A deliberation on Fiscal and Monetary policy decisions …
The Bhwanipur Education Society College, Department of Management, had the privilege to attend a CAT workshop organized at the HHI premises held on 23rd of August 2019. The seminar was not only restricted to insinuation of cracking the examination but also providing cognizance to what the future of MBA pursuing graduates would look like. Thirty-two …
As India celebrates its 66th Republic Day we at The Bhawanipur Education Society College proudly present homage to our motherland by organizing an programme in the college premises on 26th January, 2015 from 9 am to 10.30 pm.
“Freedom is not just a word; it’s a feeling that unites us all.” Celebrating the sense of freedom inside each of its members, The Bhawanipur Education Society College organized a list of activities to commemorate India’s 77th Independence Day. The Independence Day program this year was a tribute to Capt. Laxmi Sehgal, a revolutionary of …
Road to the Global Master’s Degree and Importance of GMAT
On 14th February 2022, The Bhawanipur Education Society College organised a webinar on, “ROAD TO A GLOBAL MASTER’S DEGREE AND IMPORTANCE OF GMAT” in association with Erudite. The session was held so that the opportunities and importance of GMAT exams gains clarity for MBA aspirants. The event was organised on Zoom Meetings.
The speaker for the event was Upashana Borpuzari from GMAC – a global, mission-driven association of leading graduate business schools. She focused on the importance of GMAT and gave insights on universities requiring GMAT exams and its importance in UK. She also discussed about opportunities for undergraduates and top Indian business schools to accept GMAT for their full time PGDM program
The session ended around 1:20 P.M. It was concluded by Meghali Sengupta, the college representative, asking questions sent by the attendees about the session. It was an insightful discussion session as Global Study Opportunities and GMAT Volume is Expanding Worldwide. And it is one of the most commonly required aptitude tests for admission to international business schools.
Reporter: Ayush Kumar Lodha
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