After eight long years, Oracle Red Bull Racing returned to India in 2023. The RBR (Red Bull Racing) is a Formula One racing team, racing under an Austrian license, and is based in the United Kingdom. It is one of two Formula One teams owned by the conglomerate company Red Bull GmbH, the other being Scuderia AlphaTauri. Along with other cities across India, in Kolkata The Bhawanipur Education Society College activated this show run, bringing the Formula 1 simulator to the College to give the students an amazing experience of actually riding an F1 car. After each city declares its fastest timelapse winners each winner will get a sponsored trip to the Mumbai, F1 Showrun. The simulation was announced by Multiple race winner and veritable legend David Coulthard, who is all set to bring the adrenaline-pumping roar of his engine to Mumbai.
More than 100 students registered and took part in this activation, where each student was required to complete two laps. The student who completed those two laps the fastest got the Red Bull Racing Cap. At Bhawanipur, Parthiv Mishra had the fastest time lapse in the F1 simulation of 1.10 seconds & he won the Red Bull Racing Cap. The event was possible because of the initiative taken by the student Nehal Mehta.
Category of the Activity (Extension/Outreach/Environmental): Outreach Organizing unit: NSS Date/ duration of the activity: 10.08.2024 Time: 10am- 1pm No. of Participants: 9 Objective of the event: The workshop aimed to develop skills and promote bonding among the children. Brief description of the event: The workshop began with a brief introduction by Ms. Tibrewal, who explained …
Organized By Seminar/FDP/Workshop Committee, Science Section, The Bhawanipur Education Society College, Associated with Department of Computer Science, The Bhawanipur Education Society College, In Collaboration with IQAC, The Bhawanipur Education Society College Event Details Event Name: Lecture Series -1 : Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Date & Time : 25.06.2022, 10:30 AM Venue: Concept …
The Bhawanipur Education Society College undertook the biggest College-led tree plantation drive in the Sunderbans. The event was organised at Bali Island 2 of the Sunderbans on 11th August, 2019. The event was organised and supported by the tree plantation initiative of the NGO, Sustainable Green Initiative. It was planned under the ‘Each Student Plant One’ …
The Department of English, The Bhawanipur Education Society College organized, Peer Webinar: Chapter 14 on 22 December, 2022 at 7 pm. The speaker was Mr. Pema Gyalchen Tamang; his paper was titled ‘Reimagining Darjeeling Himalayas: Navigating conflict in the Eastern Himalayan borderlands’. The webinar, held on Google Meet, was attended by the faculty members and …
Oracle Red Bull Racing
After eight long years, Oracle Red Bull Racing returned to India in 2023. The RBR (Red Bull Racing) is a Formula One racing team, racing under an Austrian license, and is based in the United Kingdom. It is one of two Formula One teams owned by the conglomerate company Red Bull GmbH, the other being Scuderia AlphaTauri. Along with other cities across India, in Kolkata The Bhawanipur Education Society College activated this show run, bringing the Formula 1 simulator to the College to give the students an amazing experience of actually riding an F1 car. After each city declares its fastest timelapse winners each winner will get a sponsored trip to the Mumbai, F1 Showrun. The simulation was announced by Multiple race winner and veritable legend David Coulthard, who is all set to bring the adrenaline-pumping roar of his engine to Mumbai.
More than 100 students registered and took part in this activation, where each student was required to complete two laps. The student who completed those two laps the fastest got the Red Bull Racing Cap. At Bhawanipur, Parthiv Mishra had the fastest time lapse in the F1 simulation of 1.10 seconds & he won the Red Bull Racing Cap. The event was possible because of the initiative taken by the student Nehal Mehta.
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