March 11th to 16th, 2019.Society Hall. The Bhawanipur Education Society College (BESC) is universally acknowledged for its willingness for and ability to embrace, new, cutting edge technologies. Not only is the college campus post-modern, in terms of being technology driven but its students too are some of the most tech-savvy, perpetually riding the crest of advancements. It needs no elaboration, but the fact remains, the BESC management is perhaps one of the most forward-looking ones in terms of offering knowledge and the use of the latest advancements in technology. It was not without a tinge of pride that Prof Dilip Shah, the Dean of Student Affairs of the College, and the man behind most of these forward thrusts of the college, pointed out the facts even as he unveiled the six-day certificate course on new age technologies. What remained unsaid was however the fact, that such courses in themselves and the fact that they were an order and not an exception as offered to the students was also a silent vindication of the college’s student orientation, its steadfast resolve to provide the students evey thing that is the very best.
The course was offered in collaboration with the Indus Entrepreneurs (IIE) which was represented by their President Viresh Oberoi. He introduced the organisation and listed the various steps being taken by the organisation in the field of entrepreneurial development.
On Day one, the topic that was discussed was Vedic Mathematics. Gaurav Tekriwal, writer of Maths Sutra and a TEDx speaker discussed the efficacies and effectiveness of approaching Mathematics the way our ancestors had originally intended to and explained bow the age-old techniques can be put to use to leap frog forward.
Sanjeev Sunghi took the students into the exciting world of data analytics, talked about the increasing importance it is being accorded to and explained the scope that the emerging field of knowledge has to offer.
Day Two of the course had Amit Shah, an entrepreneur, talk about mobile technology – its increasing importance, the applications that it is finding with ever greater frequencies and how the students can enter into the field to steal the march ahead.
On Day Three, Chaeanpreet Singh, introduced Artificial Intelligence to the students, and opened up the exciting world of the future to them – a future where humans will not only become increasingly dependent on AI but will also witness greater and greater embedding of AI in our daily chores.
Day Four broached the subject of Machine Learning and students were taken on a journey into its core, where they learnt how machines are increasingly becoming smarter, fuzzy logic powering their thrusts forward.
The penultimate day of the course was reserved for block chain technologies, which is widely expected to do to transactions what the internet did to communication – be a disrupter, a game changer. While the real impact and capabilities of blockchain is yet to be fully fathomed, that it will usher in changes that are beyond our comprehension is already apparent. Thus, the key takeaway was that the students will do well to get on to the bandwagon an enjoy the benefits of being prime movers.
The sixth day was reserved for an examination which was conducted to test how well the students had synthesised the knowledge that was imparted to them. Successful candidates were provided with certificates.
(This report has been filed by Preeti Jain with camera person Souvik Nandy of the Expressions Collective of the BESC)
“The more we give importance to skill development, the more competent will be our youth.” – P.M. Narendra Modi Moving forward with this perspective put forth by our honorable Prime Minister, (BEST) The Bhawanipur Entrepreneurship Startup & Training collective organized this initiative to boost the skills of its members. On the 16th of August 2023 …
The Department of Electronics conducted a one-day educational tour to Birla Industrial and Technological Museum (BITM), Kolkata on 30thSeptember, 2019.Four faculty members guided eighteen students throughout the tour. The science hall comprised of individual sections dedicated to scientific disciplines like physics, chemistry and biology and the students tried out various experiments by themselves …
The Department of Journalism and Mass Communication was established in The Bhawanipur Education Society College in the year 2014 with the subject being initially offered as a General Elective to the students. From 2016, the Department started offering Honours course to the aspiring students. To commemorate the completion of five years of its establishment, the …
One thousand and four hundred students taking a test. No big deal. But One thousand and four hundred students taking a test that will not lead them to a degree or certificate? One thousand and four hundred students taking a test that has not been forced on them by the authorities? One thousand and four …
New Age Technology
March 11th to 16th, 2019.Society Hall. The Bhawanipur Education Society College (BESC) is universally acknowledged for its willingness for and ability to embrace, new, cutting edge technologies. Not only is the college campus post-modern, in terms of being technology driven but its students too are some of the most tech-savvy, perpetually riding the crest of advancements. It needs no elaboration, but the fact remains, the BESC management is perhaps one of the most forward-looking ones in terms of offering knowledge and the use of the latest advancements in technology. It was not without a tinge of pride that Prof Dilip Shah, the Dean of Student Affairs of the College, and the man behind most of these forward thrusts of the college, pointed out the facts even as he unveiled the six-day certificate course on new age technologies. What remained unsaid was however the fact, that such courses in themselves and the fact that they were an order and not an exception as offered to the students was also a silent vindication of the college’s student orientation, its steadfast resolve to provide the students evey thing that is the very best.
The course was offered in collaboration with the Indus Entrepreneurs (IIE) which was represented by their President Viresh Oberoi. He introduced the organisation and listed the various steps being taken by the organisation in the field of entrepreneurial development.
On Day one, the topic that was discussed was Vedic Mathematics. Gaurav Tekriwal, writer of Maths Sutra and a TEDx speaker discussed the efficacies and effectiveness of approaching Mathematics the way our ancestors had originally intended to and explained bow the age-old techniques can be put to use to leap frog forward.
Sanjeev Sunghi took the students into the exciting world of data analytics, talked about the increasing importance it is being accorded to and explained the scope that the emerging field of knowledge has to offer.
Day Two of the course had Amit Shah, an entrepreneur, talk about mobile technology – its increasing importance, the applications that it is finding with ever greater frequencies and how the students can enter into the field to steal the march ahead.
On Day Three, Chaeanpreet Singh, introduced Artificial Intelligence to the students, and opened up the exciting world of the future to them – a future where humans will not only become increasingly dependent on AI but will also witness greater and greater embedding of AI in our daily chores.
Day Four broached the subject of Machine Learning and students were taken on a journey into its core, where they learnt how machines are increasingly becoming smarter, fuzzy logic powering their thrusts forward.
The penultimate day of the course was reserved for block chain technologies, which is widely expected to do to transactions what the internet did to communication – be a disrupter, a game changer. While the real impact and capabilities of blockchain is yet to be fully fathomed, that it will usher in changes that are beyond our comprehension is already apparent. Thus, the key takeaway was that the students will do well to get on to the bandwagon an enjoy the benefits of being prime movers.
The sixth day was reserved for an examination which was conducted to test how well the students had synthesised the knowledge that was imparted to them. Successful candidates were provided with certificates.
(This report has been filed by Preeti Jain with camera person Souvik Nandy of the Expressions Collective of the BESC)
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