National Seminar on Contemporary Research in Theoretical and Applicable Mathematics, to be held jointly by Department of Mathematics of The Bhawanipur Education Society College & Calcutta Mathematical Society on 8th and 9th September, 2017.
This notice is only applicable to the students admitted in Semester I (B.Com./ B.A./ B.Sc./ BBA) in Academic Year 2023-24, whose documents are approved by the college & has received their 10-Digit College UID. Distribution of College ID Card shall be commencing tentatively form Monday, 31st July 2023. Semester I Orientation shall be commencing tentatively …
All the students (UG & PG) are hereby informed that as per the notice issued by Higher Education Department dated 31.01.2022 our college is going to start offline classes as per the schedule given below. Click here for the Notice for Semester I Click here for the Notice for Semester IV & VI
B.A. & B.Sc. Semester III students are required to complete their Calcutta University Marks Entry & Casual Enrolment procedure. This Enrolment is applicable for Students studying in B.A. & B.Sc. Semester III, 2019-20 whose Calcutta University B.A. & B.Sc. Semester I Examination result has been declared in the year 2019. Students having failed paper(s) in …
Dear Students/Faculty/Staff, Due to the anticipated severe impact of the thunderstorm, the college will be closed on Monday, 27th May 2024. All classes, scheduled for this day are cancelled. However, any specific events or activities which are pre planned may continue subject to the decision of the respective Departmental Heads. Please stay safe and take …
National Seminar on Contemporary Research in Theoretical and Applicable Mathematics
National Seminar on Contemporary Research in Theoretical and Applicable Mathematics, to be held jointly by Department of Mathematics of The Bhawanipur Education Society College & Calcutta Mathematical Society on 8th and 9th September, 2017.
For Details Check the Link → National Seminar on CRTAM
Website of CRTAM →
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This notice is only applicable to the students admitted in Semester I (B.Com./ B.A./ B.Sc./ BBA) in Academic Year 2023-24, whose documents are approved by the college & has received their 10-Digit College UID. Distribution of College ID Card shall be commencing tentatively form Monday, 31st July 2023. Semester I Orientation shall be commencing tentatively …
All the students (UG & PG) are hereby informed that as per the notice issued by Higher Education Department dated 31.01.2022 our college is going to start offline classes as per the schedule given below. Click here for the Notice for Semester I Click here for the Notice for Semester IV & VI
B.A. & B.Sc. Semester III students are required to complete their Calcutta University Marks Entry & Casual Enrolment procedure. This Enrolment is applicable for Students studying in B.A. & B.Sc. Semester III, 2019-20 whose Calcutta University B.A. & B.Sc. Semester I Examination result has been declared in the year 2019. Students having failed paper(s) in …
College closed on Monday, 27/05/2024
Dear Students/Faculty/Staff, Due to the anticipated severe impact of the thunderstorm, the college will be closed on Monday, 27th May 2024. All classes, scheduled for this day are cancelled. However, any specific events or activities which are pre planned may continue subject to the decision of the respective Departmental Heads. Please stay safe and take …