“The mind is a powerful force. It can enslave us or empower us. It can plunge us into the depths of misery or take us to the heights of ecstasy. Learn how to use the power wisely.” – David Cuschieri
On 22nd of April 2022, The Bhawanipur Education Society College arranged a seminar on improving one’s memory by using mind power and mind games.
The seminar commenced around 10.30am, it was divided into two segments. First session was conducted by CS Anil Kumar Dubey and the second session by Kanishk Desai.
In the first session, CS Anil Kumar Dubey the speaker of the session started the event talking and explaining about mind powers and how someone can increase their mental abilities and powers. He presented many tricks and ways to train the brains to increase memory to the students. He ended his session with an influencing speech.
The second session was steered by Kanishk Desai, a 1st year Bcom student at our college. He is a magician, an illusionist. He performed some fabulous magic tricks onstage, and the audience were left amazed. He then explained how he performed those tricks and how he plays with human minds to gather knowledge.
The “Mind Power” event ended around 12noon. It was an exciting and interactive session.
“Focused mind power is one of the strongest forces on earth”- Mark Victor Hansen.
After the Mind Power session, the next was the Mind Games segment of the event. This segment comprised of two rounds. The first round was a rubik’s cube competition and in which many students participated. The ones who solved the rubik’s cube in the shortest time got awarded.
The second round was an IQ Test round. The students who were willing to participate scanned the QR Code and solved questions on a google form. The participant with maximum points was declared the winner.
The sessions were bothenjoyable and interactive. The backstage and the volunteering team worked hard to make this event an overall success.
It is common knowledge that we dress to please others. And this is truer than any other when you are gallantly walking in the glittering ramp. To celebrate fashion, or more particularly ethnic wear, a fashion show was conducted in the ramps of Umang’14. Backed by loud techno music and woofers, fifteen teams, each consisting …
The Bhawanipur Education Society College organised a “Faculty Mentoring Workshop” in collaboration with the Internal Quality assurance Cell (IQAC) of the College on student mentoring on December 27, 2021. The workshop had two sessions, Batch-I: 10.00 am to 1.00 pm for Commerce (morning), Arts and MA section Batch-II: 3.00 pm to 6.00 pm for Science, …
A job interview is not a test of your knowledge but your ability to use that knowledge at the right time. With the near graduates entering the next phase of their life, The Bhawanipur Education Society College offered them an opportunity to embark on this journey with a well-made Curriculum Vitae and some wise tips …
Organized by the Department of Economics and Department of Computer Science and Approved by IQAC, The Bhawanipur Education Society College Convenors: Dr Ivy Das Gupta (Department of Economics), Ms Runa Ganguli (Department of Computer Science) Online Platform: Google Meet Video Conferencing Dates: 13th to 15th July, 2020, 3pm – 5pm With an aim to introduce …
Mind Matters
“The mind is a powerful force. It can enslave us or empower us. It can plunge us into the depths of misery or take us to the heights of ecstasy. Learn how to use the power wisely.” – David Cuschieri
On 22nd of April 2022, The Bhawanipur Education Society College arranged a seminar on improving one’s memory by using mind power and mind games.
The seminar commenced around 10.30am, it was divided into two segments. First session was conducted by CS Anil Kumar Dubey and the second session by Kanishk Desai.
In the first session, CS Anil Kumar Dubey the speaker of the session started the event talking and explaining about mind powers and how someone can increase their mental abilities and powers. He presented many tricks and ways to train the brains to increase memory to the students. He ended his session with an influencing speech.
The second session was steered by Kanishk Desai, a 1st year Bcom student at our college. He is a magician, an illusionist. He performed some fabulous magic tricks onstage, and the audience were left amazed. He then explained how he performed those tricks and how he plays with human minds to gather knowledge.
The “Mind Power” event ended around 12noon. It was an exciting and interactive session.
“Focused mind power is one of the strongest forces on earth”- Mark Victor Hansen.
After the Mind Power session, the next was the Mind Games segment of the event. This segment comprised of two rounds. The first round was a rubik’s cube competition and in which many students participated. The ones who solved the rubik’s cube in the shortest time got awarded.
The second round was an IQ Test round. The students who were willing to participate scanned the QR Code and solved questions on a google form. The participant with maximum points was declared the winner.
The sessions were both enjoyable and interactive. The backstage and the volunteering team worked hard to make this event an overall success.
Reported by Aayush Bhattacharya.
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