The Internal Quality Assurance Cell of The Bhawanipur Education Society College arranged a Mental Health Awareness Programme on September 19, 2014. to sensitize the students and teachers to the problems and remedial measures associated with various psychological issues. The initiative was taken keeping in mind the welfare of all the stakeholders of the institution. It was also hoped that such a session would help the teachers in mentoring students by looking out for the red flags and taking timely measures as far as possible.
The Session was conducted by Dr. Prama Chakravati, U.S. based practitioner of Clinical Psychology. The session was well attended and elicited a lot of questions from both students and teachers.
The Bhawanipur Education Society College (BESC) in association with Institute of Cost Accountants of India organized a Panel Discussion (webinar) on the topic “Opportunities & Threats in Recruitment Process Post Covid 19 Crisis”. The Special Guest of the Webinar was CMA Balwinder Singh, President with Dr. D.P Nandy, Senior Director of the Cost Accountant’s Institute. …
The Bhawanipur Education Society College organised a two days workshop on self defence on 16th and 17th of February,2017 from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon. On 16th Feb it was being held at the Turf. Our respected Dean, Prof. Dilip Shah, welcomed Shihan Anil Kumar Ram (6th Dan Black Belt from Japan) and presented him …
Name of the Activity: Prize Distribution Ceremony for Semester III Major Type of Activity: Academic Date/ Duration of Activity (from-to): 08.02.2025 Time: 12 P.M. Details of Resource persons (Name, Designation, Affiliation, Area of Specialisation, etc): Not Applicable No. of Participants: 73 Objective of the event: All round development of the personality of the students which …
Number of Participants: No. of Day Participant Internal Teacher Day 1 85 7 Day 2 55 6 Report: A Two-Day Web-Talk by Dr. Sunirmal Khatua on “Introduction to Cloud Coding with AWS and Cloudsim” was organized by the Department of Computer Science in collaboration with IQAC, The Bhawanipur Education Society College. He has introduced basics …
Mental Health Awareness Programme
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell of The Bhawanipur Education Society College arranged a Mental Health Awareness Programme on September 19, 2014. to sensitize the students and teachers to the problems and remedial measures associated with various psychological issues. The initiative was taken keeping in mind the welfare of all the stakeholders of the institution. It was also hoped that such a session would help the teachers in mentoring students by looking out for the red flags and taking timely measures as far as possible.
The Session was conducted by Dr. Prama Chakravati, U.S. based practitioner of Clinical Psychology. The session was well attended and elicited a lot of questions from both students and teachers.
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