Bracing lockdown 2.0 with some engaging online events both Learning and Entertainment on the web.
Find an online training course to learn new skills and earn certifications or a Job. And Stay connected.
No matter what you’re looking for there’s a virtual event that’s just right for you.
Take a moment to breathe, re-center yourself, and enjoy activities in the Virtual World!! A Sneak peek into the events this June- highly interactive, engaging and educational.
The Campus may be closed due to lockdown, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t still things going on! A sneak peek into the events this May….Celebrating special occasions, Webinars, Competitions, E-Courses, Workshops…pooled together some of the best ideas and topics to move educational, fun and engaging activities online for students to enjoy while social distancing. …
March – April 2021 @BESC
Bracing lockdown 2.0 with some engaging online events both Learning and Entertainment on the web.
Find an online training course to learn new skills and earn certifications or a Job. And Stay connected.
No matter what you’re looking for there’s a virtual event that’s just right for you.
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Take a moment to breathe, re-center yourself, and enjoy activities in the Virtual World!! A Sneak peek into the events this June- highly interactive, engaging and educational.
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May 2020 @BESC
The Campus may be closed due to lockdown, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t still things going on! A sneak peek into the events this May….Celebrating special occasions, Webinars, Competitions, E-Courses, Workshops…pooled together some of the best ideas and topics to move educational, fun and engaging activities online for students to enjoy while social distancing. …