“Happiness doesn’t result from what we get, but from what we give.” – Ben Carson
Christmas – the festival of sharing joy, love and peace with one another. Togetherness and the spirit of giving makes every occasion more special. This is what makes Christmas important and helps us feel strong and gives us hope.
The project aimed to reach out to pavement kids and share the joy and happiness with them. The NSS Unit of The Bhawanipur Education Society College organised “Magic Box” for the kids at Rashbehari pavement. Students and Teachers contributed wrapped gift items for the kids like toys, sweets, books etc, the collection drive was on from 13th December 2021. On December 23, 2021, three students representing NSS and NSS coordinator visited Rashbehari Crossing Pavement with the gifts for 45 pavement kids to celebrate the spirit of Christmas. NSS volunteers arranged the distribution maintaining COVID protocols. The kids standing in a queue, came forward and picked up the gifts without knowing what was inside. After opening their gifts, the smile on their faces made all the effort worthwhile.
We thank the management of college for their constant support to conduct the entire project without any hassle. We also thank all the students and faculty members who came forward for this noble cause. Due to COVID safety protocols we could not take too many volunteers. Taking all the precautions, Five NSS volunteers Athin Pillai, Nehal Jeloka, Gaurav Singh, Inshaa Siddiquee, Muskan Das coordinated and implemented the entire event. We appreciate their courage and commitment to serve the society.
It was our little effort to reflect the true motto of NSS “Not Me But You”.
Type of Activity: Training programme for the teachers on on Mentoring and Counselling Course Date/ Duration of Activity (from-to): 08.08.2022 t0 28.09.2022 (50 hours) Time: Morning Batch: 10:30am-12:30pm | Afternoon & Evening Batch: 3:30pm-5:30pm Details of Resource persons/ Judges/ Special Guests, etc: Ms. Salony Priya, Ms. Nikita Jalan No. of Participants: 34 Objective of the …
GIVE PEACE A CHANCE Society Hall 27th February ,2017 The Rotary Sadan in association with the Bhawanipur Education Society College organized a panel discussion on ‘GIVE PEACE A CHANCE’ at the Bhawanipur Education Society College , Society Hall experienced something which was undoubtedly, unique and magnificent.There were eminent speakers who spoke on why we should …
Name of the Activity: Academic and Disciplinary Measures Prize Distribution Ceremony for Semester V Honours Students Type of Activity: Academic Date/ Duration of Activity (from-to): 16.12.2024 Time: 2pm Details of Resource persons (Name, Designation, Affiliation, Area of Specialisation, etc): Not Applicable No. of Participants: 124 Objective of the event: All-round development of the personality of …
The Nation is celebrating 20th anniversary of the victory in the Kargil War. Two decades ago, on 26th July, Indian Armed Forces secured one of the most dramatic and hard fought victories in history. In sweet remembrance of the extreme valour, exemplary courage and ever-readiness for martyrdom of Indian soldiers Bhawanipur Education Society College organised an event …
Magic Box
“Happiness doesn’t result from what we get, but from what we give.” – Ben Carson
Christmas – the festival of sharing joy, love and peace with one another. Togetherness and the spirit of giving makes every occasion more special. This is what makes Christmas important and helps us feel strong and gives us hope.
The project aimed to reach out to pavement kids and share the joy and happiness with them. The NSS Unit of The Bhawanipur Education Society College organised “Magic Box” for the kids at Rashbehari pavement. Students and Teachers contributed wrapped gift items for the kids like toys, sweets, books etc, the collection drive was on from 13th December 2021. On December 23, 2021, three students representing NSS and NSS coordinator visited Rashbehari Crossing Pavement with the gifts for 45 pavement kids to celebrate the spirit of Christmas. NSS volunteers arranged the distribution maintaining COVID protocols. The kids standing in a queue, came forward and picked up the gifts without knowing what was inside. After opening their gifts, the smile on their faces made all the effort worthwhile.
We thank the management of college for their constant support to conduct the entire project without any hassle. We also thank all the students and faculty members who came forward for this noble cause. Due to COVID safety protocols we could not take too many volunteers. Taking all the precautions, Five NSS volunteers Athin Pillai, Nehal Jeloka, Gaurav Singh, Inshaa Siddiquee, Muskan Das coordinated and implemented the entire event. We appreciate their courage and commitment to serve the society.
It was our little effort to reflect the true motto of NSS “Not Me But You”.
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