Hostile to the backdrop of the Russian-Ukraine crisis, the Bhawanipur Education Society College organised a ‘National Security Council’ simulation on 29th March 2022. The opening ceremony was held by Dr. Dilip Shah (Dean of Student affairs) along with his speech about the changing global order and how the youth play a vital role in the growth of India. Prof. Nitin Chaturvedi introduced the event and NSC role along with Prof. Karan Vora who steered them through the current geopolitical turmoil. An attendance of around 100 students and faculty members were marked.
As per the colloquium Harsh Sharma (NSA) started the discussion accentuating the various fault lines exposed in the ensuing war in Europe. The discussion revolved around economic, political, and cultural security amidst the glaring insecurity visible in the eastern European nation.
Apart from the NSA, Anik Chakraborty (RBI Governor), Raiyan Elahi (Finance Secretary), Anurag Paul (Foreign Secretary), Abhigyan Pandey (IB Chief) pitched their views on the agenda of the house. Pointing out the importance of staying two steps ahead of the adversaries, all the esteemed members agreed to establish a new set of modus operandi to ensure peace and tranquillity remains in the nation.
In the last a question answer round was held in which the audience got the chance to clear their doubt and put their views which helped them to have a clear view of these crisis situations.
The Bhawanipur Education Society College organised for a girls’ picnic on 13th of January 2015, to Swami Narayan Mandir (Joka) and Palm Village Resort (Joka). A total of 50 girls went for the picnic accompanied by two teachers Prof. Meenakshi Chaturvedi and Prof. Urvi Shukla.
For the first time a theatre workshop was conducted under the platform of AIM (Arts in Me). It was one of the most awaited workshop in which drama teams from various prestigious colleges like St. Xavier’s College, Shivnath Shastri College were invited. The guest faculty were Mr.Debashish Sen Sharma(a renowned theatrician and Ad film Maker) …
Name of the Programme: 60-Hour Add-On Course on Spoken English Duration of the Programme: The course spanned 60 hours, beginning on 14th May 2024 and concluding on 28th November 2024. A Valedictory Session was held on 30th November 2024 for distribution of certificates. Organised by: Department of Political Science in collaboration with the School of …
Be-ites Gujarat Industrial Trip On 9th January, 2017, an all-girls group of 37 students and 3 teachers from the Bhawanipur Education Society College left from Kolkata for a journey spanning the states of Gujarat and Maharashtra. It was primarily an industrial visit but little did they know it was going to be an unforgettable experience.
Juggling Juggernauts
Hostile to the backdrop of the Russian-Ukraine crisis, the Bhawanipur Education Society College organised a ‘National Security Council’ simulation on 29th March 2022. The opening ceremony was held by Dr. Dilip Shah (Dean of Student affairs) along with his speech about the changing global order and how the youth play a vital role in the growth of India. Prof. Nitin Chaturvedi introduced the event and NSC role along with Prof. Karan Vora who steered them through the current geopolitical turmoil. An attendance of around 100 students and faculty members were marked.
As per the colloquium Harsh Sharma (NSA) started the discussion accentuating the various fault lines exposed in the ensuing war in Europe. The discussion revolved around economic, political, and cultural security amidst the glaring insecurity visible in the eastern European nation.
Apart from the NSA, Anik Chakraborty (RBI Governor), Raiyan Elahi (Finance Secretary), Anurag Paul (Foreign Secretary), Abhigyan Pandey (IB Chief) pitched their views on the agenda of the house. Pointing out the importance of staying two steps ahead of the adversaries, all the esteemed members agreed to establish a new set of modus operandi to ensure peace and tranquillity remains in the nation.
In the last a question answer round was held in which the audience got the chance to clear their doubt and put their views which helped them to have a clear view of these crisis situations.
Report By:
Kripa Sahal
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