J.D. Birla Institute –Department of Management organised their fest, Invictus 2017. This was the third consequent year the fest was held from 11th February to 12th with it’s Sports events held before hand on 6th, 7th and 8th February. It constituted of various events from Iron man related to weight training, sports such as basketball & volley ball to management and literary events like best manager, Entrepreneurship, Football Manager, PR/HR, Just A Minute, Extempore etc.
To add a bit of culture the stages was ignited with passion and colour for the Western and Bollywood dances and the most awaited event the Fashion show! The events continued on from Non-gas cooking to hard-core debating and quizzing. The two days came to quite a cheerful end with mesmerizing performances from Amit Mishra and finally the DJ night. The Bhawanipur College defeated both the teams from St. Xavier’s in Semis and Finals to win the Basketball tournament, while the Volleyball team had to settle for silver after losing to NSHM in the finals.
A whopping twenty-five colleges participated along with The Bhawanipur Education Society College, and the latter claimed the runner’s up position with St. Xavier’s College (Commerce Society) coming first. Over all the fest and the events involved were a great way to educate ourselves in a fun and interactive way.
The Roman poet Juvenal coined, “mens sana in corpore sano” which translates to a healthy mind in a healthy body. There is no doubt that in BESC, social skills, personality grooming, and sports and fitness take up the centre stage. On Monday, 14th November 2022, the college organised a fitness competition. This was the second …
Type of Activity: Training programme for the teachers on on Mentoring and Counselling Course Date/ Duration of Activity (from-to): 08.08.2022 t0 28.09.2022 (50 hours) Time: Morning Batch: 10:30am-12:30pm | Afternoon & Evening Batch: 3:30pm-5:30pm Details of Resource persons/ Judges/ Special Guests, etc: Ms. Salony Priya, Ms. Nikita Jalan No. of Participants: 34 Objective of the …
The Department of Political Science organized a Prize Distribution Ceremony on December 14, 2023 in Room Number 530 for the students of Semester III, to recognise their achievements in all types of academic and disciplinary activities during the semester. This ceremony is based upon the various Academic and Disciplinary measures introduced by the Department for …
J.D. Birla Institute –Department of Management organised their fest, Invictus 2017. This was the third consequent year the fest was held from 11th February to 12th with it’s Sports events held before hand on 6th, 7th and 8th February. It constituted of various events from Iron man related to weight training, sports such as basketball & volley ball to management and literary events like best manager, Entrepreneurship, Football Manager, PR/HR, Just A Minute, Extempore etc.
To add a bit of culture the stages was ignited with passion and colour for the Western and Bollywood dances and the most awaited event the Fashion show! The events continued on from Non-gas cooking to hard-core debating and quizzing. The two days came to quite a cheerful end with mesmerizing performances from Amit Mishra and finally the DJ night. The Bhawanipur College defeated both the teams from St. Xavier’s in Semis and Finals to win the Basketball tournament, while the Volleyball team had to settle for silver after losing to NSHM in the finals.
A whopping twenty-five colleges participated along with The Bhawanipur Education Society College, and the latter claimed the runner’s up position with St. Xavier’s College (Commerce Society) coming first. Over all the fest and the events involved were a great way to educate ourselves in a fun and interactive way.
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