Breaking away from tradition, we embraced the IPL format for this cricket extravaganza. To kick off the event, an auction was conducted on February 10th, 2024, at the Concept Hall on the 6th floor of our college. Approximately 60 enthusiastic teachers and non-teaching staff members participated in this engaging auction.
Captains and Team Formation:
Six captains, representing different departments, were chosen during the auction. They were entrusted with the responsibility of distributing a virtual budget of 5 lakhs points each to acquire players for their respective teams. The auction not only added an element of excitement but also fostered team spirit among the participants.
Team Line-up:
The 60 players were strategically divided into six teams, each led by a captain. The groups were as follows:
Group A: Tigers – Captain Saspo Chakraborty
Royal – Captain Archiman Lahiri
Warriors – Captain Bijoy Samanto
Tournament Highlights: League matches took place on the first day, with three teams from each group competing fiercely. The semifinals unfolded on February 18th, featuring intense clashes between Warriors vs. Tigers and Soldiers vs. Challengers. The final showdown witnessed Tigers emerging victorious against Warriors, securing the championship.
The Intra College Teachers’ and Non-teaching Staff Cricket Tournament was a remarkable success, leaving a lasting impact on everyone involved.
Regards, Rupesh Gandhi Sports Officer The Bhawanipur Education Society College
Organised by the Department of Commerce (UG and PG) in collaboration with IQAC August 20 2020 (5.00 pm to 7.00 pm) Resource Persons Ms. Malini Sarkar (Director, Reach Counselling and Consulting Services, Kolkata) Dr.Arvind Nongpiur (Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry NEIGRIHMS, Shillong) Mr.Varun Kaul(Counselling Psychologist and Motivational Trainer, Bangaluru) Dr.Amlan Kusum Jana (Associate Professor, Department …
1. Name of the Activity: Nation building through ISRO and its Chandrayaan-3 2. Type of Activity: Invited lecture cum awareness session 3. Date/ Duration of Activity (from-to): 29.04.2024 4. Time: 10 am to 5 pm 5. Details of Resource Persons: Sri Debajyoti Dhar, Outstanding Scientist and Deputy Director and Dr. Jolly Dhar, Group Director of …
ORGANIZED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH, THE BHAWANIPUR EDUCATION SOCIETY COLLEGE COORDINATORS: Sonal Kapur, Neetisha Jha, Soumyosree Banerjee, Soumyajit Chandra, Srimoyee Roy PLATFORM: Google Meet DATE : 30th July, 2020, Thursday, 3.30 PM to 6.15 PM Harry Potter, one of the most beloved fictional heroes immortalised by countless readers cutting across space and time, was …
“Chemistry behind Phytochemicals and their Medicinal Importance in Curing Various Diseases of Human Being” The Department of Chemistry of The Bhawanipur Education Society College has taken an initiative to organize a National Seminar on “Chemistry Behind Phytochemicals and their Medicinal Importance in Curing Various Diseases of Human Being”. This seminar was sponsored by the Inclusion …
Intra College Teachers’ and Non-teaching Staff Cricket Tournament
Format and Auction:
Breaking away from tradition, we embraced the IPL format for this cricket extravaganza. To kick off the event, an auction was conducted on February 10th, 2024, at the Concept Hall on the 6th floor of our college. Approximately 60 enthusiastic teachers and non-teaching staff members participated in this engaging auction.
Captains and Team Formation:
Six captains, representing different departments, were chosen during the auction. They were entrusted with the responsibility of distributing a virtual budget of 5 lakhs points each to acquire players for their respective teams. The auction not only added an element of excitement but also fostered team spirit among the participants.
Team Line-up:
The 60 players were strategically divided into six teams, each led by a captain. The groups were as follows:
Group A:
Tigers – Captain Saspo Chakraborty
Royal – Captain Archiman Lahiri
Warriors – Captain Bijoy Samanto
Group B:
Challengers – Captain Chandan Kumar Jha
Rangers – Captain Nirabhra Basu
Soldier – Captain Sayan Sarkhel
Tournament Highlights:
League matches took place on the first day, with three teams from each group competing fiercely. The semifinals unfolded on February 18th, featuring intense clashes between Warriors vs. Tigers and Soldiers vs. Challengers. The final showdown witnessed Tigers emerging victorious against Warriors, securing the championship.
The Intra College Teachers’ and Non-teaching Staff Cricket Tournament was a remarkable success, leaving a lasting impact on everyone involved.
Rupesh Gandhi
Sports Officer
The Bhawanipur Education Society College
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