The Bhawanipur Education Society College (BESC) has always put an inordinate amount of stress on ensuring that its students are not only empowered academically, but are also equipped with the necessary skill sets that will ensure their ready deployment in the job market. The onus is made clear from the very beginning – BESC students must pass out from its campus as industry ready agents of socio-economic change, factors in the process of Wealth Creation for the Nation.
As part of the process, the Institution offers a number of short-duration programmes that students are encouraged to take up with their regular academic assignments – programmes that expose them to fields of their choice so that they may convert their passions into their profession. Collectively christened as Career Connect, such courses are offered on Commerce Plus, Corporate Communications, Cyber Security, ACCA, GST and CFP among others.
As an extension of this process of empowerment, BESC organised a seminar on Emerging Career Options to make the students aware of the various career related opportunities that are now available to them so that they may set their sight on the goal from the very beginning of their college years.
The Seminar was conducted by eminent academician, management guru and career counsellor Jaishankar Gopalan, who is also a visiting faculty. Having explained the BESC philosophy behind providing students with as many options of keeping their tryst with professionalism as possible, he introduced the distinguished panel of speakers to the audience.
Representatives from the institute introduced ACCA – one of the most watched professional avenues in the global financial map. “When you study with ACCA, you can take your career in any direction. You open doors to the best and most interesting roles all over the world. And you become one of the sought-after finance professionals our fast-changing world needs” they said, adding that “it’s a rewarding and intense path – and we’re here to support you at every stage of your career”.
Fenil Vedakken who is both a qualified CPA and CMA, talked about the courses that are offered, right here in the college and urged the students to avail of the opportunity to add either or both the feathers to their caps.
Aswini Bajaj who is a practising CFA took to the podium and led the students through all the ten subjects that the course comprises of, its duration, eligibility and the relevant timelines for taking and clearing the examinations.
Tapas Saha, a CFP talked about the course its efficacies and explained about the huge demand-supply gap for qualified professionals in the field, an anomaly that is only expected to become worse in the days to come as the emerging economy call for the deployment of more such professionals. “There is a massive potential” he said, urging the students to make use of the window of opportunity provided by the college to step into the exciting world of CFP’s.
Mohit Damani an FRM and an actuarial scientist by profession also addressed the gathering of students, taking them through the various facets of the courses that are offered leading to the world of professional actuaries.
Pramod Maloo and Vishal Dave, experts in Digital Marketing and Cyber Security not only graced the occasion but also enlightened the students about the opportunities in their respective domains.
“These are indeed exciting days” said Jaishankar Gopalan while winding up the proceedings “wish I was in College. Wish I was in BESC!”
This report has been filed by Md. Zeeshan Ali, with cameraperson Md. Sirazuddin of the Expressions collective of BESC.
The Department of Chemistry, The Bhawanipur Education Society College organized an Inter-College Peer student oral presentation competition, Chem Voice”22 on 24th November, 2022. Students of Semester III and V, pursuing Chemistry (Hons.) from different undergraduate colleges were invited to deliver an oral presentation on any topic related to Chemistry UG curriculum and contemporary chemistry. Total 10 under-graduate …
“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Young people in their mid-20’s often make a common mistake – they chase money rather than chasing their passion. This decision roots from the very misconception that money is the only metric of success, when it is clearly …
Date of the activity: 08.03.2024 Time: 2pm- 6pm No. of Participants: 9 The objective of the event: To celebrate International Women’s Day with the kids of Mominpur slum and promote the theme “Inspire and Inclusion” through interactive activities. Brief description of the event: On March 8, 2024, The NSS unit of The Bhawanipur Education Society …
Society Hall. December 12th , 2019. Jimmy Tangree needs no introduction, either in the world of radio or in the city of Kolkata. He is the City of Joys oldest, most joyous, most consistent and definitely the most loved radio jockey – someone, who has not only defined the art of Radio Jockeying but has …
Emerging Career Options – life beyond BCom and BBA
The Bhawanipur Education Society College (BESC) has always put an inordinate amount of stress on ensuring that its students are not only empowered academically, but are also equipped with the necessary skill sets that will ensure their ready deployment in the job market. The onus is made clear from the very beginning – BESC students must pass out from its campus as industry ready agents of socio-economic change, factors in the process of Wealth Creation for the Nation.
As part of the process, the Institution offers a number of short-duration programmes that students are encouraged to take up with their regular academic assignments – programmes that expose them to fields of their choice so that they may convert their passions into their profession. Collectively christened as Career Connect, such courses are offered on Commerce Plus, Corporate Communications, Cyber Security, ACCA, GST and CFP among others.
As an extension of this process of empowerment, BESC organised a seminar on Emerging Career Options to make the students aware of the various career related opportunities that are now available to them so that they may set their sight on the goal from the very beginning of their college years.
The Seminar was conducted by eminent academician, management guru and career counsellor Jaishankar Gopalan, who is also a visiting faculty. Having explained the BESC philosophy behind providing students with as many options of keeping their tryst with professionalism as possible, he introduced the distinguished panel of speakers to the audience.
Representatives from the institute introduced ACCA – one of the most watched professional avenues in the global financial map. “When you study with ACCA, you can take your career in any direction. You open doors to the best and most interesting roles all over the world. And you become one of the sought-after finance professionals our fast-changing world needs” they said, adding that “it’s a rewarding and intense path – and we’re here to support you at every stage of your career”.
Fenil Vedakken who is both a qualified CPA and CMA, talked about the courses that are offered, right here in the college and urged the students to avail of the opportunity to add either or both the feathers to their caps.
Aswini Bajaj who is a practising CFA took to the podium and led the students through all the ten subjects that the course comprises of, its duration, eligibility and the relevant timelines for taking and clearing the examinations.
Tapas Saha, a CFP talked about the course its efficacies and explained about the huge demand-supply gap for qualified professionals in the field, an anomaly that is only expected to become worse in the days to come as the emerging economy call for the deployment of more such professionals. “There is a massive potential” he said, urging the students to make use of the window of opportunity provided by the college to step into the exciting world of CFP’s.
Mohit Damani an FRM and an actuarial scientist by profession also addressed the gathering of students, taking them through the various facets of the courses that are offered leading to the world of professional actuaries.
Pramod Maloo and Vishal Dave, experts in Digital Marketing and Cyber Security not only graced the occasion but also enlightened the students about the opportunities in their respective domains.
“These are indeed exciting days” said Jaishankar Gopalan while winding up the proceedings “wish I was in College. Wish I was in BESC!”
This report has been filed by Md. Zeeshan Ali, with cameraperson Md. Sirazuddin of the Expressions collective of BESC.
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