The Department of Computer Science of The Bhawanipur Education Society College embarked on an educational field trip to Bindu Hydel Power Plant, Jaldakha. Before visiting the power plant, the students and teachers would be stopping by at “Washabari Tea Garden Primary School”.
The purpose of this trip was to educate the students about the automation involved in the running of a full-fledged power plant and to encourage them to be responsible citizens of our country.
No. of Teachers
5 + 1 Support Staff
No. of Students
Name of the Teachers
· Mr. Sanjib Halder
· Ms. Runa Ganguli
· Mr. Utsab Mukherjee
· Mr. Akash Mehta
· Ms. Shawni Dutta
· Mr. Soumen Pradhan (Support Staff)
22nd September 2019 – 25th September 2019
Places Visited
· Washabarie Tea Garden Primary School
· Bindu Hydel Power Plant, Jaldakha
· Teesta Barrage
The Students and Teachers of the department of Computer Science first visited the Washabarie Tea Garden Primary School on 23-09-2019. The Departmental members proceeded to present the School Teachers and Students with gifts – colour pencils, crayons, drawing books and small toys. The Departmental Students and Teachers then spent time with the little kids of the school
The Students and Teachers of the department of Computer Science then visited the Bindu Hydel Power Plant, Jaldakha on 24-09-2019. The Students and teachers were then divided into groups. Each group was then given a tour of the facilities. The groups were taught about the running of the power plant, and they were shown the role played by automation in the working of the plant.
The Students and Teachers of the department of Computer Science then visited the Teesta barrage on 25-09-2019. The visit proved fruitful as the students got to witness, firsthand, the sheer humongous nature of a Dam. Some Dam engineers were kind enough to explain the running of the Dam to the students. They went on to elaborate about the role played by such barrages in controlling flood in the plain regions of our state.
With the phenomenal changes in educational and information technology, the role of a teacher has undergone dramatic changes. He/she is expected to possess skills and abilities to plan the curriculum, make rational use of the media technology, and design an assessment strategy. This is possible only through a systematic approach to faculty development.
The Bhawanipur Education Society College in collaboration with Royal Enfield organized- ‘The Art of Motorcycling’, an event which took place over two action-packed days at the College Turf on 21st and 22nd September 2023 from 10:30 a.m. till 5:00 p.m. The event celebrated not only the art of motorcycling but also emphasized the importance of …
Event date: 26/04/2020 Motion – This house believes that the United Nations has failed to live up to its purpose Participants Dev Bannerjee – BBA Anushree Sanyal – Economics Sanyam Jha – B.A Political Science Samadrito Paul – Hons Jetashree Paul – Computer Science Ashish Ranjan – Former Student at the BESC …
The district audition of Speak For India West Bengal was held at The Bhawanipur Education Society College on 5th February 2020. Speak for India is an initiative by Federal Bank in association with The Times of India to encourage young, dynamic and enthusiastic minds across the nation to raise their voice on pertinent issues and …
Educational Field Trip to Bindu Hydel Power Plant and Washabari Tea Gardens
The Department of Computer Science of The Bhawanipur Education Society College embarked on an educational field trip to Bindu Hydel Power Plant, Jaldakha. Before visiting the power plant, the students and teachers would be stopping by at “Washabari Tea Garden Primary School”.
The purpose of this trip was to educate the students about the automation involved in the running of a full-fledged power plant and to encourage them to be responsible citizens of our country.
· Ms. Runa Ganguli
· Mr. Utsab Mukherjee
· Mr. Akash Mehta
· Ms. Shawni Dutta
· Mr. Soumen Pradhan (Support Staff)
The Students and Teachers of the department of Computer Science first visited the Washabarie Tea Garden Primary School on 23-09-2019. The Departmental members proceeded to present the School Teachers and Students with gifts – colour pencils, crayons, drawing books and small toys. The Departmental Students and Teachers then spent time with the little kids of the school
The Students and Teachers of the department of Computer Science then visited the Bindu Hydel Power Plant, Jaldakha on 24-09-2019. The Students and teachers were then divided into groups. Each group was then given a tour of the facilities. The groups were taught about the running of the power plant, and they were shown the role played by automation in the working of the plant.
The Students and Teachers of the department of Computer Science then visited the Teesta barrage on 25-09-2019. The visit proved fruitful as the students got to witness, firsthand, the sheer humongous nature of a Dam. Some Dam engineers were kind enough to explain the running of the Dam to the students. They went on to elaborate about the role played by such barrages in controlling flood in the plain regions of our state.
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