The Internal Complaints Committee of the college in collaboration with the Internal Quality Assurance Cell of the college organised a seminar on “Changing Face of Gender Equality in Indian Perspective ” on the 29th of April 2022 in the second-floor auditorium of the college. Ms. Salony Priya, the Founder Director of UMMEED Counseling and Consulting Services was the keynote speaker. There was overwhelming response from teachers, students, and staff of the college for participation in the programme. The programme started with a welcome address by Prof. Tathagata Sen, Coordinator IQAC. Thereafter, Dr. Joyeta Bhadury, Presiding Officer of the ICC set the ball rolling with the introductory speech and by introducing Ms. Salony Priya to the participants of the seminar. Ms Salony Priya enthralled the audience with a very informative and interesting session. Her deliberations centered around issues to ensure equitable distribution of power, influence, and opportunities among all in the society irrespective of their gender. In a very simple manner, she explained the key issues related to gender, like biological gender, gender roles, gender identity and stereotypes, to sensitise the audience about gender equality. Last but not the least, it was indeed very motivating to witness the wholehearted discussion and the observations of the participants in the interactive session. The programme ended with a vote of thanks which was offered by Prof. Atreyee Ganguly, a member of the ICC. Such an initiative of the Internal Complaints Committee of the college is in fact the need of the hour, as it will help faculties, students, and staff of the college to evolve as torchbearers for a better tomorrow.
The Event was attended by over 50 Students and 30 Faulty members.
On the 11th January 2020, The Bhawanipur Education Society College- Department of Business Administration was privileged to have the second largest professional service firms and one of the Big Four Accounting firms- PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) at our campus which was represented by Mr. Nihar Vasa, Senior Analyst and Manager. He conducted a one-hour interactive seminar on …
The Department of Film Studies, The Bhawanipur Education Society College, in collaboration with Lumiere: The BESC Film Club and IQAC, organized an educational trip to the Dasani 2 Studio, located near Garia in the southern part of Kolkata on 18th September 2022. The participant list consisted of 21 students from semester 3 and 5, supervised …
Departments of Chemistry, Economics and Physics, The Bhawanipur Education Society College, in collaboration with Indian Association of Productivity, Quality & Reliability (IAPQR), Kolkata has organized UGC Sponsored State Level Seminar on Environmental Pollution: Causes, Impacts & Control to be held on Saturday, 25th April, 2015. Please read the notice given below for details. Please click on …
November 13th, 2019. Jubilee Hall. Rashmi Bansal is one of the most celebrated names among the non-fiction writers of the me-now generation. Within a very short span of time, this IIM (Ahmedabad) alumna has literally flooded the market with a tidal wave of best sellers that started with Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish” and was followed …
Changing Face of Gender Equality in Indian Perspective
The Internal Complaints Committee of the college in collaboration with the Internal Quality Assurance Cell of the college organised a seminar on “Changing Face of Gender Equality in Indian Perspective ” on the 29th of April 2022 in the second-floor auditorium of the college. Ms. Salony Priya, the Founder Director of UMMEED Counseling and Consulting Services was the keynote speaker. There was overwhelming response from teachers, students, and staff of the college for participation in the programme. The programme started with a welcome address by Prof. Tathagata Sen, Coordinator IQAC. Thereafter, Dr. Joyeta Bhadury, Presiding Officer of the ICC set the ball rolling with the introductory speech and by introducing Ms. Salony Priya to the participants of the seminar. Ms Salony Priya enthralled the audience with a very informative and interesting session. Her deliberations centered around issues to ensure equitable distribution of power, influence, and opportunities among all in the society irrespective of their gender. In a very simple manner, she explained the key issues related to gender, like biological gender, gender roles, gender identity and stereotypes, to sensitise the audience about gender equality. Last but not the least, it was indeed very motivating to witness the wholehearted discussion and the observations of the participants in the interactive session. The programme ended with a vote of thanks which was offered by Prof. Atreyee Ganguly, a member of the ICC. Such an initiative of the Internal Complaints Committee of the college is in fact the need of the hour, as it will help faculties, students, and staff of the college to evolve as torchbearers for a better tomorrow.
The Event was attended by over 50 Students and 30 Faulty members.
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