This Enrolment is applicable only for students whose Calcutta University Part III Examination result has been declared in the year 2018 or previous years and having failed papers in 1st/2nd/3rd Year*.
Please Note:
Please keep your original Calcutta University Mark-sheet of last exam appeared handy with you as you need to cross-check your Calcutta University Last Examination Roll No. & Result.
*Students who have appeared for their failed Paper(s) of 1st &/or 2nd Year in 2018, have to wait for their results before Enrolling themselves.
Click for Casual & Repeater Enrolment Notice (B.Com./B.A./B.Sc.)
i. Last date for paying Enrolment Fees is Friday, 30th November, 2018.
ii. If you are facing any problem in accessing your profile or in case of any discrepancy, send an E-mail mentioning “Casual/ Repeater Enrolment Issue” in the subject line of the mail along with your 10 digit UID Number, contact Number and the exact problem you are facing, to enrol@
This is for the information of all concerned that as per the directive of University of Calcutta, the Internal Assessment of Semester VI (under CBCS) Examination 2022 for different subjects of B.Sc. (Hons) courses of studies will be conducted by the College in digital mode. The schedule of the examination is as follows. Students of …
BBA students who had appeared for their Semester II/ IV Calcutta University Examination 2023 and had given their Paper(s) for Re-check / Self-Inspection are hereby informed to check the below link for their revised RC/SI results. The revised marksheet shall only be issued to the students having change in their result. The distribution will be …
B. A./ B.Sc. Students who have missed their Part-I Calcutta University Examination Form Fill-up schedule, are hereby given an extension date to fill up their Form on Monday, 02/07/2018. Venue for Form Fill-up : System Control Room , Room No. – 424 Reporting Time for Form Fill-up: 11:00 AM Before coming to Form fill-up venue, …
Casual & Repeater Enrolment – B.Com./B.A./B.Sc.
This Enrolment is applicable only for students whose Calcutta University Part III Examination result has been declared in the year 2018 or previous years and having failed papers in 1st/2nd/3rd Year*.
Please Note:
Click for Casual & Repeater Enrolment Notice (B.Com./B.A./B.Sc.)
Procedure for Casual & Repeater Enrolment Notice (B.Com./B.A./B.Sc.)
Click here for Federal Bank Branches in Kolkata
List of Federal Bank Branches in Kolkata
Please note:
i. Last date for paying Enrolment Fees is Friday, 30th November, 2018.
ii. If you are facing any problem in accessing your profile or in case of any discrepancy, send an E-mail mentioning “Casual/ Repeater Enrolment Issue” in the subject line of the mail along with your 10 digit UID Number, contact Number and the exact problem you are facing, to enrol@
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This is for the information of all concerned that as per the directive of University of Calcutta, the Internal Assessment of Semester VI (under CBCS) Examination 2022 for different subjects of B.Sc. (Hons) courses of studies will be conducted by the College in digital mode. The schedule of the examination is as follows. Students of …
BBA students who had appeared for their Semester II/ IV Calcutta University Examination 2023 and had given their Paper(s) for Re-check / Self-Inspection are hereby informed to check the below link for their revised RC/SI results. The revised marksheet shall only be issued to the students having change in their result. The distribution will be …
Publication of Provisional Pre-publication status of marks for B.A./B.Sc. Part-I (Honours & Major) Examinations,2018.
Check the Link ↓ Provisional Pre-publication status of marks for B.A./B.Sc. Part-I (Honours & Major) Examinations,2018.
Extension date for Part I B.A./ B.Sc. Calcutta University Examination, 2018 Form Fill-up
B. A./ B.Sc. Students who have missed their Part-I Calcutta University Examination Form Fill-up schedule, are hereby given an extension date to fill up their Form on Monday, 02/07/2018. Venue for Form Fill-up : System Control Room , Room No. – 424 Reporting Time for Form Fill-up: 11:00 AM Before coming to Form fill-up venue, …