B.Com./ B.A./ B.Sc./ BBA Semester II/ IV/ VI Casual Enrolment 2021-22 has started.
This enrolment procedure is applicable only to the students who have already appeared for their Semester VI Calcutta University Examination in the year 2020-21 or before but having failed paper/s in Semester II/ IV/ VI and are willing to appear for the exam this year are required to enrol themselves as a Casual student to appear for the examination.
Please Note:
1. The last date to complete the enrolment procedure is Tuesday, 31st May 2022.
2. Please keep your Calcutta University Examination original Mark-sheets of Semester II / IV / VI handy with you or download the net copy by clicking on the link given below as it is required for the below mentioned procedure. https://www.exametc.com/univercity.php?id=32
3. Students are advised to always use the “Campus Login” link given on the College website to access their Online profile and not to use the saved / Bookmarked link as the campus login link given on the college website is a secured link.
4. It is recommended that you use the Google Chrome browser to do the following process.
If you are facing any technical issues while doing the enrolment procedure, please retry after 1 or 2 hours if it doesn’t work even after retrying, fill-up the above mentioned google form (point no. 2) to inform us the same. Please ensure that the link will open a google form where in you can brief us regarding the problem faced by you with the enrollment process.
This Re-check & Self-Inspection process is applicable for students who have appeared for B.B.A Semester II Calcutta University Examination, 2024. The detail schedule for the Re-check & Self-Inspection is as follows: Reporting Date: Thursday, 6th February 2025 Reporting Venue : 322 (3rd Floor) Reporting Time : 11:00 am Fees for Calcutta University Examination Re-check …
B.Com (Regular & Repeater) students who are due to appear for Part II Calcutta University Examination, 2018 as a fresh candidate or repeating Part II are eligible to fill up their Part II Calcutta University Examination form as per schedule given below. B.Com student with X1 result in Part II examination 2017 please read the …
M.Com. students are hereby informed that their Semester III Calcutta University Examination, 2022 schedule has been uploaded. Please check the below links for the same. Click the below link for Calcutta University Examination Schedule ↓ M.Com. Semester III Calcutta University Examination, 2022 Schedule
Kolkata April 19th, 2017.The Bhawanipur Education Society College (BESC) signed an MOU to offer students an array of professional courses aimed at providing them with the necessary wherewithal to integrate themselves and meet the demands emanating from the industrial establishments. Among the courses that will be immediately offered consequent upon the signing of the MoU …
B.Com./ B.A./ B.Sc./ BBA Semester II/ IV/ VI Casual Enrolment 2021-22 has started.
This enrolment procedure is applicable only to the students who have already appeared for their Semester VI Calcutta University Examination in the year 2020-21 or before but having failed paper/s in Semester II/ IV/ VI and are willing to appear for the exam this year are required to enrol themselves as a Casual student to appear for the examination.
Please Note:
1. The last date to complete the enrolment procedure is Tuesday, 31st May 2022.
2. Please keep your Calcutta University Examination original Mark-sheets of Semester II / IV / VI handy with you or download the net copy by clicking on the link given below as it is required for the below mentioned procedure. https://www.exametc.com/univercity.php?id=32
3. Students are advised to always use the “Campus Login” link given on the College website to access their Online profile and not to use the saved / Bookmarked link as the campus login link given on the college website is a secured link.
4. It is recommended that you use the Google Chrome browser to do the following process.
Click here for Semester II / IV / VI Casual Enrolment Procedure
Important Links:
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