BESC honours her best and brightest, bestows Scholarships.
June 3rd, 2017.The quest for excellence – in everything we do – is an unending one with us in the Bhawanipur Education Society College (BESC). We set ourselves targets, achieve them, only to raise the bar. And nowhere is it more evident than in the core our efforts, in academics. At BESC we not only foster and nurture academic brilliance, providing aspiring achievers with all the wherewithal – be it the most accomplished faculty, cutting edge infrastructural facilities or a state of the art camps that is wired for excellence – but also encourage achievers by acknowledging and honouring their feats.
As a part of this ongoing process of assisting the men and women of letters keep their trysts with academic excellence, the Institution organised a felicitation programme where 91 students of the college who had secured more than 90 percent marks in their respective Secondary Board Examinations were honoured with scholarships. All student achievers – from Aayush Mishra to YogitaMunoth had all their college fees exempted by BESC as an acknowledgement of their achievements and as a token of appreciation.
Assembled guests, students and members of the faculty paid their respects by observing two minutes of silence in the memory of the departed soul of Himanshu Budhdeo, member of the executive committee of the college.
Congratulating the young achievers, Dr SuchandraChakravorty, Teacher in Charge welcomed the assembled guests, dignitaries and students.
Prof Suman Mukherjee talked about the need to foster excellence in all walks of the academic life and urged BESC students to keep the flag of achievement fluttering.
Prof Dilip Shah, the Dean of Student Affairs talked about the various Career Connect courses that have been specially crafted by the college for the benefit of the student community and urged the students who were present to make full use of them.
BESC Scholars, it will not be out of place to mention here, have been known to achieve feats that are unparalleled. Excellence in Professional examinations like Chartered, Costing, Company Secretarial, Management and others are routinely cracked and topped, while life beyond – as domain dominating entrepreneurs and super achievers in the corporate world is also their happy hunting ground.
The programme ended with the college hosting the scholars in a Hi-tea and the clicking of group photographs.
Workshop on Research Methodology Course in Social Sciences, to be held from October 9 – 15, 2017 organized by Research & Publication Cell, P.G. Department of Commerce of The Bhawanipur Education Society College in Collaboration with Institute of Cost Accountants of India. For Details Check the Link → Workshop on Research Methodology Course in Social Sciences
The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM) organized its 6th Edition of The Edu Meet & Education Excellence Awards 2023 on 18th January at the Phoenix Hall of Hotel Hindusthan International in Kolkata. The event formally began at 10.30 am with the arrival of the Chief Guest, Dr. Rajkumar Ranjan Singh, Hon’ble …
Communique 2014 was an inter-college academic meet which allowed showcasing the talent of students in events like debate, extempore, quiz, etc. The event brought together students from various colleges like Shri Shikshayatan College, Ashutosh College, JDBI College, Goenka College, THK Jain College, Shyamaprasad College, Jagdish Chandra College, Dept of Law CU and many more.
The Department of Political Science conducted an Academic Quiz for the Semester VI Political Science Honours students on 23rd March, 2024. The students were divided into 4 groups and questions were asked based on their academic syllabus. The proceedings of the quiz were conducted by Prof. Lopamudra Majumdar, CWTT, Department of Political Science and Prof. …
Bhawanipur Scholar
BESC honours her best and brightest, bestows Scholarships.
June 3rd, 2017.The quest for excellence – in everything we do – is an unending one with us in the Bhawanipur Education Society College (BESC). We set ourselves targets, achieve them, only to raise the bar. And nowhere is it more evident than in the core our efforts, in academics. At BESC we not only foster and nurture academic brilliance, providing aspiring achievers with all the wherewithal – be it the most accomplished faculty, cutting edge infrastructural facilities or a state of the art camps that is wired for excellence – but also encourage achievers by acknowledging and honouring their feats.
As a part of this ongoing process of assisting the men and women of letters keep their trysts with academic excellence, the Institution organised a felicitation programme where 91 students of the college who had secured more than 90 percent marks in their respective Secondary Board Examinations were honoured with scholarships. All student achievers – from Aayush Mishra to YogitaMunoth had all their college fees exempted by BESC as an acknowledgement of their achievements and as a token of appreciation.
Assembled guests, students and members of the faculty paid their respects by observing two minutes of silence in the memory of the departed soul of Himanshu Budhdeo, member of the executive committee of the college.
The programme was then flagged off with a welcome speech by Muskan Kedia while Bikramaditya Guha thanked the college on behalf of all the scholars.This was followed by the traditional lighting of the lamp of knowledge. Present on the occasion were Champaklal Doshi, Chairman of BESC; Miraj Shah, the Vice Chairman; Prof Suman Mukherjee, Director General; Prof Dilip Shah, the Dean of Student Affairs; Dr SuchandraChakravorty, Teacher in Charge and Dr Sandip Dan, the Rector of the college.
Congratulating the young achievers, Dr SuchandraChakravorty, Teacher in Charge welcomed the assembled guests, dignitaries and students.
Prof Suman Mukherjee talked about the need to foster excellence in all walks of the academic life and urged BESC students to keep the flag of achievement fluttering.
Prof Dilip Shah, the Dean of Student Affairs talked about the various Career Connect courses that have been specially crafted by the college for the benefit of the student community and urged the students who were present to make full use of them.
BESC Scholars, it will not be out of place to mention here, have been known to achieve feats that are unparalleled. Excellence in Professional examinations like Chartered, Costing, Company Secretarial, Management and others are routinely cracked and topped, while life beyond – as domain dominating entrepreneurs and super achievers in the corporate world is also their happy hunting ground.
The programme ended with the college hosting the scholars in a Hi-tea and the clicking of group photographs.
For More Information:
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