BPLT – Bhawanipur Premier League Tournament, inaugurated on 17th February, 2017 witnessed90 teams and 540 students registering for the Tournament.
The knockout round continued for 10 days among these 90 teams, after which the Quarterfinals were held on the penultimate day, and the Grand finals on 22nd February, 2017.
The Semi-finals team were team P1 with Vivek Shah as Captain, team HH with Md. Shamshad as the Captain, Team I1 with Utkarsh Singh as the Captain and Team Y with Nawaz Jahangir as the Captain. For the semi-finals and finals our guests were, ShriChampaklalDoshi, Chairman,ShriSandip Dan, Rector and Prof. Dilip Shah, Dean of students affairs, The Bhawanipur College.
After a trilling contest, Team Y become the champions, followed by Team HH as the runners-up and Team I1 taking up the 3rd Place. At the end of the tournament, medals were awarded to the winning teams.
The whole Tournament was successfully managed by student coordinators, RaunakBasu Roy Chowdhury, RisabhSaraf and DarshdeepSinghwalia. The volunteers including Karan Mundhra, ChetanDoshi, Nikhil Singh, PriyanshSipani, Vijay Raj, Abhinab Das and Md. Shamshad. The Tournament was well supported by the college.
Celebration of International Mother Language Day, 2022 Expressing our emotions and desires in our native tongue ever since we have mastered the skill of communicating has become an inextricable aspect of our identity. The pronounced pride with which we speak of our Mother Tongue today makes us bow our head in reverence to those valiant …
Organising Secretaries : Dr. Dyuti Sinha and Devdip Mal Platform : Video-conferencing through Google meet Date : June 16, 2020 ( Tuesday) from 3.30 pm to 5.00 pm Webinar on “Socio- Economic Impact of COVID-19 in India and its Revival Strategies” was organised on June 16, 2020 (Tuesday) from 3.30 pm to 5.00 pm by …
Name of the Activity: Teachers’ Day Celebration of Chemistry Department Type of Activity: Teacher’s Day Celebration Date/ Duration of Activity (from-to): 5th September, 2023 / 1 hour 30 minutes Time: 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm Details of Resource persons (Name, Designation, Affiliation, Area of Specialisation, etc): No. of Participants: 25 Objective of the event: To …
Bhawanipur Premier League Tournament
BPLT – Bhawanipur Premier League Tournament, inaugurated on 17th February, 2017 witnessed90 teams and 540 students registering for the Tournament.
The knockout round continued for 10 days among these 90 teams, after which the Quarterfinals were held on the penultimate day, and the Grand finals on 22nd February, 2017.
The Semi-finals team were team P1 with Vivek Shah as Captain, team HH with Md. Shamshad as the Captain, Team I1 with Utkarsh Singh as the Captain and Team Y with Nawaz Jahangir as the Captain. For the semi-finals and finals our guests were, ShriChampaklalDoshi, Chairman,ShriSandip Dan, Rector and Prof. Dilip Shah, Dean of students affairs, The Bhawanipur College.
After a trilling contest, Team Y become the champions, followed by Team HH as the runners-up and Team I1 taking up the 3rd Place. At the end of the tournament, medals were awarded to the winning teams.
The whole Tournament was successfully managed by student coordinators, RaunakBasu Roy Chowdhury, RisabhSaraf and DarshdeepSinghwalia. The volunteers including Karan Mundhra, ChetanDoshi, Nikhil Singh, PriyanshSipani, Vijay Raj, Abhinab Das and Md. Shamshad. The Tournament was well supported by the college.
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