The Department of Bengali of The Bhawanipur Education Society College organized a student seminar titled “Bangla Bhasay Chatroder Alochonasova” on the 29th of June, 2024. Students took part in this interactive session and presented their papers in this seminar. The seminar was a wonderful platform for students to display their academic eagerness and research prowess. Some of the papers like ‘Kadambarir Debi hoye othar Galpo’ by Soumik Guha, ‘The Perfect Cinema’ by Akash Ganguly and ‘Sonar Kella – Chalochittro Jogote ek Srestho Shilpokola’ by Asmita Saha were of note. There were 11 Student participants. Ms Suranjana Paul (An alumni of Bengali dept and Research intern) judged the papers. The seminar ended by the certification and vote of Thanks by HoD Dr. Mili Samaddar.
The phrase ‘Vox Populi’ having a Latin etymological reference which literally translates as “the voice of the people” It can also be found in the longer maxim, “Vox populi, vox Dei” which means “The voice of the people is the voice of God”. To help raise the voice of people i.e. the freshers, Bhawanpur Education …
A team of Quiz Masters from Derek O’Brien and Associates had come down to the Bhawanipur Education Society College (BESC) on August 26th 2017, to conduct a quizzing session of 5 rounds of 8 questions each. On a higher plane, their mission was to foster the love for quizzing in the campus and make the already …
Prof Jaishankar, an IIM Kolkata alumnus, has been there, done it all. Calm and composed, he is the embodiment of the proverb, “silent waters run deep” and to the deep he takes his students, whatever the subject may be.
Ethnic Day aims at celebrating different cultures and ethnic groups. The day helped reconnect people with traditional and cultural roots and promote the true essence of age-old customs and traditions that have helped forged the different civilizations around the world. The event began with an amazing performance by the Crescendo team and ended with loud …
Students’s Seminar: Bangla Bhasay Chatroder Alochonachakra
The Department of Bengali of The Bhawanipur Education Society College organized a student seminar titled “Bangla Bhasay Chatroder Alochonasova” on the 29th of June, 2024. Students took part in this interactive session and presented their papers in this seminar. The seminar was a wonderful platform for students to display their academic eagerness and research prowess. Some of the papers like ‘Kadambarir Debi hoye othar Galpo’ by Soumik Guha, ‘The Perfect Cinema’ by Akash Ganguly and ‘Sonar Kella – Chalochittro Jogote ek Srestho Shilpokola’ by Asmita Saha were of note. There were 11 Student participants. Ms Suranjana Paul (An alumni of Bengali dept and Research intern) judged the papers. The seminar ended by the certification and vote of Thanks by HoD Dr. Mili Samaddar.
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