It is hereby notified to all the students of B.Com. (Honours & General) that their Internal Assessment Examination (IAE), 2020-21 of Semester II/ IV/ VI (under CBCS) will be commencing from Thursday, 22nd July 2021 in On-line mode. The revised schedule for the same is given below.
Click the link below for Internal Assessment Examination details & revised schedule
1. Students will have to appear in the Examination from their place of residence only & Presence in College campus for appearing in the said Examination is not allowed.
2. Question Paper distribution method: Since it’s a MCQ based exams, the Google form having MCQ questions shall be shared 10 minutes before the exam and answers will have to be given in the same form so there will not be any separate google form for answer. Please note that the Google form link shall be sent to Institutional Email id of the student (Your UID@
4. The MCQ Examination Google Form can only be accessed using your Institutional Email ID.
5. If you have login or password issues with your Institutional Email ID, please fill-up the Google Form immediately to inform the same. Click here to fill-up the Google Form.
B.A. & B.Sc. Semester I Student who got admitted in Academic Year 2018-19 will have to appear for College Semester – I Internal Assessment Examination commencing from Friday, 16th November 2018. Click the link for Internal Assessment Examination Schedule ↓ B.A. Sem-I Internal Assessment Examination Schedule B.Sc. Sem-I Internal Assessment Examination Schedule Click the …
GE (History) Supplementary Examination will be held from 12:00 pm to 02:00 pm & CC-XIII Supplementary Examination will be held from 02:30 pm to 04:30 pm on Tuesday, 17th January 2023. Check the below link for the detailed notice the same. Click the link below ↓ M.A. English GE (History) Supplementary Examination Notice
Merit List – 25/08/2020 B.Com. (H) / B.A. (H) / B.Sc. (H) / B.B.A. (H) Please note the instructions below: Application Received till Monday, 24th August 2020 has been considered. Merit List is Sorted Alphabetically. Admission Procedure including Document Upload procedure shall start from Tuesday, 1st September 2020 as per the notification of University of …
B.B.A. Semester III (under CBCS) students are hereby informed that their Calcutta University Examination, 2024 form fill-up will be held on Friday, 13th December 2024. The detailed schedule for the same is given below. Before the start of the Examination Form Fill-up process, you must ensure that the Casual Enrolment process of the current semester …
It is hereby notified to all the students of B.Com. (Honours & General) that their Internal Assessment Examination (IAE), 2020-21 of Semester II/ IV/ VI (under CBCS) will be commencing from Thursday, 22nd July 2021 in On-line mode. The revised schedule for the same is given below.
Click the link below for Internal Assessment Examination details & revised schedule
Revised Schedule of B.Com. Semester II/ IV/ VI Internal Assessment Examination, 2020-21
1. Students will have to appear in the Examination from their place of residence only & Presence in College campus for appearing in the said Examination is not allowed.
2. Question Paper distribution method: Since it’s a MCQ based exams, the Google form having MCQ questions shall be shared 10 minutes before the exam and answers will have to be given in the same form so there will not be any separate google form for answer. Please note that the Google form link shall be sent to Institutional Email id of the student (Your UID@
3. For any query related to the said examination, please write us at bcom.morning@ (for Morning Section),bcom.afternoon@ (for Afternoon Section) &bcom.evening@ (for Evening Section). Please send the email form your Institutional Email- ID only.
4. The MCQ Examination Google Form can only be accessed using your Institutional Email ID.
5. If you have login or password issues with your Institutional Email ID, please fill-up the Google Form immediately to inform the same. Click here to fill-up the Google Form.
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Merit List – 25/08/2020 B.Com. (H) / B.A. (H) / B.Sc. (H) / B.B.A. (H) Please note the instructions below: Application Received till Monday, 24th August 2020 has been considered. Merit List is Sorted Alphabetically. Admission Procedure including Document Upload procedure shall start from Tuesday, 1st September 2020 as per the notification of University of …
B.B.A. Semester III (under CBCS) students are hereby informed that their Calcutta University Examination, 2024 form fill-up will be held on Friday, 13th December 2024. The detailed schedule for the same is given below. Before the start of the Examination Form Fill-up process, you must ensure that the Casual Enrolment process of the current semester …