We regret to inform you that due to the COVID-19 circumstances beyond our control, we are compelled to postponed all the Intra College Selections and tournaments till further notice.
B. Com Students who have missed their Part-I Calcutta University Examination Form Fill-up schedule, are hereby given an extension date to fill up their Form on Tuesday, 26/06/2018. Venue for Form Fill-up : 129 A, 1st Floor Reporting Time for Form Fill-up: 11:00 AM Before coming to Form fill-up venue, student need to visit Calcutta University …
B.Com/ B.A/ B.Sc/ BBA Semester VI students are hereby informed that their classes for the Academic Year 2024-2025 will be commencing as per the schedule given below. All concerned departments will share the class routine in their respective WhatsApp groups through the mentors. DEPARTMENT CLASS COMMENCEMENT DATE FOR SEMESTER VI B.COM. (H & G) (MORNING/ …
Students admitted in BBA Semester I in the Academic Year 2022-23 are required to report on Monday, 19/09/2022 at 11am in the CONCEPT Hall, 6th Floor, Main Campus (5 Lala Lajpat Rai Sarani, Kolkata 700020) for their inaugural Session. It is mandatory to attend this session. The schedule for the inauguration Session is as follows. …
B.Com (Morning/Afternoon/Evening) 2nd Year (Semester-III) Class Commencement, Session 2018-19
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B.Com (Morning/Afternoon/Evening) 2nd Year (Semester III) Class Commencement, Session 2018-19
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We regret to inform you that due to the COVID-19 circumstances beyond our control, we are compelled to postponed all the Intra College Selections and tournaments till further notice.
Extension date for Part I B.Com Calcutta University Examination, 2018 Form Fill-up
B. Com Students who have missed their Part-I Calcutta University Examination Form Fill-up schedule, are hereby given an extension date to fill up their Form on Tuesday, 26/06/2018. Venue for Form Fill-up : 129 A, 1st Floor Reporting Time for Form Fill-up: 11:00 AM Before coming to Form fill-up venue, student need to visit Calcutta University …
B.Com/ B.A/ B.Sc/ BBA Semester VI students are hereby informed that their classes for the Academic Year 2024-2025 will be commencing as per the schedule given below. All concerned departments will share the class routine in their respective WhatsApp groups through the mentors. DEPARTMENT CLASS COMMENCEMENT DATE FOR SEMESTER VI B.COM. (H & G) (MORNING/ …
BBA Semester I Orientation Schedule
Students admitted in BBA Semester I in the Academic Year 2022-23 are required to report on Monday, 19/09/2022 at 11am in the CONCEPT Hall, 6th Floor, Main Campus (5 Lala Lajpat Rai Sarani, Kolkata 700020) for their inaugural Session. It is mandatory to attend this session. The schedule for the inauguration Session is as follows. …