All B.A. Semester II students are required to submit their Environmental Studies Project as a PowerPoint presentation (.ppt or .pptx files) between 10th June to 15th June 2021 positively as per the guidelines given earlier. The guidelines along with the Google Form for the submission of the same is given below.
The Last Date for submission of the project is 15/06/2021. No project will be accepted after the said date.
The file name should be your 10-Digit College UID.
Incase if you face any issues while uploading your project, please email to baenvs.cuexam@ and marked cc to ba@ . All communications must be done through your Institutional Email ID only.
It is hereby notified to all the students who have failed to appear for their CU B.Com IT Practical Examination, 2017 are given a last chance to appear for their examination on Saturday, 22nd April 2017, failing which they will be marked absent. Check the Link for Schedule Notice → Schedule for Calcutta University IT Practical Examination for …
BBA Semester V (under CBCS system) students who have done their Calcutta University Examination, 2023 Form Fill-up, need to collect their Examination Admit Card in order to appear for the said examination. The detailed schedule for the same is given below. B.B.A. SEMESTER V CALCUTTA UNIVERSITY EXAMINATION, 2023 ADMIT CARD DISTRIBUTION SCHEDULE DATE TIME VENUE …
It is hereby notified to all the students of B.Com./ B.A./ B.Sc. Semester VI & Part III that their Calcutta University Examination, 2021 Admit card will be available on-line from 28/07/2021 by 12:00 noon. The procedure for the same shall be updated on the same time as mentioned above.
This Re-check & Self Inspection process is applicable for students who have appeared for B.B.A Part-III Examination of Calcutta University held in year 2018. Date: Wednesday, 14th November, 2018 Venue: Ground Floor Office, Room No.-20 Reporting Time: 11:00 AM Charges: 1) Cost of Self Inspection is Rs.500/- for each paper. (Maximum 4 papers) 2) Cost …
All B.A. Semester II students are required to submit their Environmental Studies Project as a PowerPoint presentation (.ppt or .pptx files) between 10th June to 15th June 2021 positively as per the guidelines given earlier. The guidelines along with the Google Form for the submission of the same is given below.
Check the below links
Click here for B.A. Semester II ENVS Project Submission
Click here for the guidelines
Please Note:
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