Author Archives: Editor

  • A Tribute To Mahatma

    “DON’T CELEBRATE MY BIRTHDAY AS A HOLIDAY.. ” these were the words uttered by MOHAN DAS KARAMCHAND GANDHI who is known to us as ‘Father of the Nation’. On the eve of Mahatma Gandhi’s 146th birth anniversary the Enact Collective of Bhawanipur Education Society College decided to give a tribute to the father of the …

  • Rhapsody 2015, Social Cultural Fest at Calcutta Medical College

    Students participated enthusiastically and prepared themselves to put their best foot forward as it was the first Inter College Fest of the year. 
The fest was held from 14th September to 18th September offering 32 events in total, out of which 24 events were Inter College events.
BESC students took part in both on-stage and off-stage …

  • Digital Marketing Workshop

    The college held a 4 day workshop on Digital Marketing (from 22nd Sept to 25th Sept 2015) for students of all departments. Mr. Pramod Maloo, a distinguished name in the world of Digital Marketing was invited as the faculty.

  • Bhawanipur Dance Championship Trophy

    The BESC family witnessed the much awaited “BHAWANIPUR DANCE CHAMPIONSHIP TROPHY” on 16th September 2015, organized at the college pavillion. After a rigorous audition procedure, eighteen top participants were shortlisted and they competed against each other to ensnare the prestigious title and the dazzling golden trophy.

  • Workshop On Translating 19th Century Women’s Writing & Writing for Women

    Seven-Day Translation Workshop organized by Department of English, The Bhawanipur Education Society College in collaboration with The Centre for Translation of Indian Literatures, Jadavpur University.

  • Shyam Steel Industries Ltd. Durgapur: Industrial Visit

    The shop floor collective of our college organized an industrial visit for the 1st year students to Shyam Steel Industries Ltd., Durgapur plant on  11th September,2015.A total of 37 students along with  Professor Divyesh Shah, professor in-charge of Shop floor went for the trip.

  • How To Do Well In B.Com

    A question asked by many and the answer to that by each would be different so to get the best answer to this question The Bhawanipur Education Society College arranged for its students a workshop called “HOW TO DO WELL IN B.COM?”. This workshop had speaker who themselves have been paper setters of the Calcutta …


    Enact Collective held a 3 day workshop on short film making with the famous director Mr. Debashish Sen Sharma. The workshop was on the 7th -8th of September and was followed by a Competition on Script Writing, Shots and Camera movements, Basic principles of Film Making and Live Shoot on the 15th of September 2015. …

  • Secrets Of Capital Market

    The Bull’s Eye Collective of the Bhawanipur Education Society College had  organised a five day workshop on Capital Market titled ‘ The Secrets of Capital Market ‘ from 7th September to 11th September. About 200 students participated in the workshop which included about 100 students from Commerce Plus diploma course.

  • Green Plywood Industrial Visit

    The Bhawanipur Education Society College under the banner of Yi Bhawanipur Chaupal conducted an industrial visit to Greenply Plywood on the 12th of September. A group of around 38 students visited the factory, accompanied by Prof. Kaushik Chatterjee.

  • Teacher’s Day Celebrations

    The BES College celebrated Teacher’s Day on 4th September, at the 6th Floor Auditorium, with great pomp and revelry. The programme was organized in three slots- Morning, Afternoon & Evening faculty members.

  • Family Business to Join or not

    On 4th September YI Yuva in association with AIFMB had organized a session on “Family Business to Join or not” with Prof. Parimal  Merchant,  Director Global FMB, S.P Jain Institute of Management & Research for the students of YI Bhawanipur Chaupal. He enlightened the students with facts and figures of the present generation’s mentality dwelling …

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