Author Archives: Rinku

  • Inferno 2019 – the AIM fest

    November 15th – 17th, 2019. Army Institute of Management Campus. The Army Institute of Management, Kolkata (Formerly, National Institute of Management Calcutta) was established in 1997 by the Army Welfare Education Society (AWES), New Delhi, to conduct state-of-art Management Programme for the wards of Army personnel (80%) with an opportunity for the general candidates (20%) as …

  • Mask making Workshop

    November 16th, 2019. Placement Hall. Masks have been an integral part of man’s socio-cultural development and when the first mask was made, or for what purpose, has been a matter of debate among anthropologists and historians that remains inconclusive to date. To cut a long story short, a mask is an object normally worn on the face, …

  • Metropoli Fashions Pvt.Ltd

    The Department of Commerce (Afternoon & Evening section) also organised another industrial visit with Semester III students (A3 and A4) to Metropoli Fashions Pvt. Ltd, Kasba Industrial Estate, Phase III on 16th November,2019. Around 60 students were taken to the mentioned site by four faculty members. The students were very excited to gather knowledge about …

  • The making of My Story

    November 16th, 2019. Society Hall. Of all the traits that The Bhawanipur Education Society College (BESC) seeks to embed in its students, the one that it reveres the most is that of entrepreneurship. Instead of cramming young heads with information, the institution deliberately seeks to free the minds and encourage them to follow the calling …

  • Farewell to a soldier

    November 15th, 2019.Placement Hall. The NCC contingent of The Bhawanipur Education Society College (BESC) is one of the strongest amongst such units and has not only held the banner of the NCC high, but has admirably performed under trying circumstances in fulfilling the duties assigned to it. Naturally morale is extremely high among the cadets …

  • Event Management Workshop

    November 11th to 13th, 2019. Jubilee Hall.  The Bhawanipur Education Society College (BESC) is one institution that takes its events seriously – not only does it organise a string of mega events around the year, but also goes about doing so as an effective tool for empowerment, using the events to impart invaluable life lessons …

  • Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish

    November 13th, 2019. Jubilee Hall. Rashmi Bansal is one of the most celebrated names among the non-fiction writers of the me-now generation. Within a very short span of time, this IIM (Ahmedabad) alumna has literally flooded the market with a tidal wave of best sellers that started with Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish” and was followed …

  • Placement Drive by the ITC Group of Hotels

    Placement Hall, November 11th, 2019. The Bhawanipur Education Society College (BESC) has earned for itself as a name for inculcating in its students a unique “never say die” attitude that makes them highly sought-after in industries that look for go-getters with an air of quiet confidence around them. BESC students, who get a thorough grinding …

  • Login Astitwa

    November 8th and 9th, 2019. NSHM Knowledge Campus. Within a very short period of time, the NSHM Knowledge Campus has curved out a distinct niche for itself if the academic map of the region. NSHM Knowledge Campus is all about experiential learning and building an ever-expanding knowledge base involving knowledge partners and communities. NSHM is where information …

  • Richer Reader 3 – Power of the Sub-Conscious Mind

    Society hall, November 8th, 2019. The power of the sub-conscious mind is a topic that has been fascinating mankind since the dawn of time. What makes the mind tick, how it functions and more importantly, how to understand its true potential so as to unleash its full power has been and continues to be a …

  • Sharodiya Shiksha

    Durga Puja Holidays, College Campus. The Bhawanipur Education Society College (BESC) is one institution where the students are never found wanting for options. An academic version of the “city that never sleeps”, the BESC is choc-a-bloc with activities, 24X7. Take Sharodiya Shiksha for example. When the city goes into euphoria mode, with everything but skeletal …

  • Dhamaal 2019

    The Turf. October 2nd, 2019. Socio-cultural fusion is taken to a higher plane at the Bhawanipur Education Society College (BESC) on a daily basis, an experience that explodes in a riot of merriment in Dhamaal. The annual festival is ostensibly the BESC way of flagging off the nine-day euphoria which in the eastern parts of …

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