Author Archives: Rinku

  • One Day National Seminar in collaboration with ICAI

    A One Day National Seminar on “Developments in Commerce, Management and Economics in the present Milieu of VUCA” was held in the Jubilee Hall of the college on 27th May 2019. The seminar was organised by the Department of Commerce of the college in collaboration with EIRC, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. The …

  • Hriday Majhare Kobiguru

    22nd May, 2019. The Library. The anniversary of Noble Laurite Rabinbdra Nath Tagore was celebrated with full solemnity and due reverence by the members of the faculty and students of the Bhawanipur Education Society College (BESC). Attended by about twenty-five students, the event started with the Dean of Student Affairs of BESC, Prof Dilip Shah explaining …

  • World Press Freedom Day Celebrations, 2019

    Detailed Report On the World Press Freedom Day Celebrations, 2019 Organized on May 10, 2019 By The Department of Journalism and Mass Communication The Bhawanipur Education Society College, Kolkata, India As part of the World Press Freedom Day Celebrations, The Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, The Bhawanipur Education Society College (BESC), Kolkata, India organized …

  • Placement Drive

    Concept hall, 3rd May, 2019.   The Bhawanipur Education Society College (BESC) is a highly sought-after destination for employers seeking to fill their ranks. The reasons for such a claim to fame, however are not far to seek – students of BESC are known for their go-getting ways and their ability to learn on the job, thereby …

  • The empty Grave: Jesus, Death and Resurrection

    25th April, 2019.Park Street Cemetery. College students are normally, not known to be ones haunting graveyards. Besides, matters of life and death are neither a part of the course curriculum, nor really things that interest the young minds. But, then again students of the Bhawanipur Education Society College (BESC) are not the ordinary pupils cramming themselves …

  • BESC takes up the Fountain Pen

    Placement Hall. April 20th, 2019.What can a professional architect have in common with a marine geologist that would attract students by the droves to hear them speak, that too on a holiday? Prof Dilip Shah, the Dean of Student Affairs of the Bhawanipur Education Society College (BESC) asked rhetorically right up front. “Passion” he said, …

  • Anmol Biscuit Factory – Dankuni, Hooghly, West Bengal

    On the 18th of April 2019, The Bhawanipur Education Society College, Department of Commerce (Afternoon & Evening Section) organized an industrial visit to Anmol Biscuit Factory – Dankuni Hooghly, West Bengal. This industrial visit mainly consisted of 2nd & 4th Semester students from Department of Commerce (Afternoon & Evening Section). The main objective of this …


    The event was on the 18th of April, at 12:00 noon and it ended at 6:00 pm. The venue for the event was Society hall. Ayush Banerjee the guest speaker and an Executive Board, he was felicitated by Prof.Dilip Shah. Ayush Banerjee has been a delegate in 32 MUNs and has won, one or the …

  • Beauty Lies Within

    Name of the event= Beauty lies Within Date= 17 th April 2019 Time= 2:30 PM to 5:00 PM Venue= New Concept Hall, 6 th floor     Judges:  Prof. Souraja Tagore (Faculty of BESC, classical dancer)  Arvinder Kaur ( Coordinator of Bhawanipur design academy)  Meghma Banerjee (fashion enthusiast and Classical dancer) With …

  • CII Conducted seminar on Rad safety

    March 30th 2019. Society Hall. India alone about eighty thousand lives are lost every year caused by road accidents. When this is viewed in context of the fact that such accidents (and loss of lives caused by them) constitute about thirteen percent of such incidents worldwide, the picture becomes even more grim. What is worse is …

  • Food Festival – Flavours of India

    March 28th, 2019. Valia hall. Many attempts have been made to reach the heart of India, mostly without success. The Bhawanipur Education Society College (BESC) took up the challenge and going by the adage “the way to a Nation’s heart is through its stomach” decided to celebrate the Unity in India’s Diversity on a platter! …

  • Rajiv Gandhi University, Arunachal Pradesh students visit the BESC

    Letter of Intent for academic exchange signed between RGU and BESC March 29th, 2019. The Bhawanipur Education Society College (BESC) … well, its different! It didn’t just herd the twenty-seven students and accompanying faculty members visiting its campus from the Rajiv Gandhi University (RGU), Arunachal Pradesh, to take them on a tour of aggrandisement. Instead, …

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