Author Archives: Rinku

  • Mother Teresa International Award

    On the eve of 18th January 2020, it was a proud moment for our college as we received not only one but three awards. Mr.Miraj D Shah, Vice-Chairman, The Bhawanipur Education Society College received “Mother Teresa Ratna Award” by the Hon’ble Governor of West Bengal. The Bhawanipur College itself received the “Mother Teresa International Best …

  • Inter-College Athletics Meet- Zest 2020

    We all know that “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. Not only does it avert him from being dull, sports also teaches Jack about teamwork and sportsmanship. Similarly, sports not only gives us a break from the mundane events of life but also teaches important values of life. The Bhawanipur education …

  • Understanding GDP And Its Implication’ By Mr. Rajeev Poddar

    Jubilee Hall, 14th Jan, 2020: With the goal to enlighten the students about the workings of GDP, the Bhawanipur Education Society College organized a seminar on “Understanding GDP and its implications” which was undertaken by Mr. Rajeev Poddar, an economics teacher, a stock market trader and an inspiration to many. Crossing all the hurdles which …

  • Roadies Revolution

    January 10th, 2020. Jubilee Hall. MTV Roadies is one programme that has already moved from television folklore to being a one that has reached the status of a cult show. A youth-based reality roadshow, it had first aired in 2003 and if longevity is any yardstick, it is already among the most popular of its …

  • Cleanliness Drive Version 2.1

    January 11th, 2020. Heysham Road. “The Bhawanipur Education Society College (BESC)” said Prof Dilip Shah, the Dean of the College, “has the bad habits of not only sticking to its words but also of delivering more than it promises” amidst cheers from the crowd of volunteers who had gathered.     And they had a …

  • PwC Interview

    On the 11th January 2020, The Bhawanipur Education Society College- Department of Business Administration was privileged to have the second largest professional service firms and one of the Big Four Accounting firms- PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) at our campus which was represented by Mr. Nihar Vasa, Senior Analyst and Manager. He conducted a one-hour interactive seminar on …

  • Rethinking Romanticism

    The English Department of The Bhawanipur Education Society College organized Rethinking Romanticism: Looking through the Oriental Glass, a two-day international seminar on 10th and 11th January, 2020. It was the culmination of a year-long project on Romanticism (IQAC Approved) spanning from 2019 to 2020, organized by the Department of English of The Bhawanipur College in …

  • Confero Inter College Cultural Fest by IMI

    Confero is an annual cultural fest organised by IMI. It hosts 11 events  which includes Cultural Events such as  Messy Doodle Galaxy Doodling, Ramp on Space –  Fashion  Show, SpaceSteppers-  Group dance,Big Bang Zaika- MasterChef, Natak Mandal-NukkadNatak, Transformation Station- Best Out of Waste and Management events such as  Cosmo quest,  Opstimum, Prarambh-B-Plan Challenge, Rann Kaushal, …

  • Ernst & Young Placement Drive

    Placement Hall. January 6th and 7th, 2020. Ernst & Young – EY is a multinational firm, offering a host of professional services, headquartered in London, United Kingdom. As a provider of professional services, it is amongst the biggest in the world and needs no introduction. Suffice to say, it is one of the Big Four accounting …

  • Charity Begins at Elgin

    Elgin Road, December 21st, 2019. The sermon, “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” is often invoked, but seldom adhered to. The phrase was first recorded by John Wesley way back in 1778, though the idea is ancient, found in Babylonian and Hebrew texts and has been a basic tenet of Hinduism. Prof Dilip Shah, the Dean …

  • NSE Live Trading Simulation

    December 16th 2019, Society Hall. The Bhawanipur Education Society College (BESC) has perhaps got the highest per capita stock market investors in colleges of its class, with most students either investing or taking active interest in the working of the capital markets. It is a phenomenon that is not only recognised and lauded by the management, …

  • Warship Ahoy!

    Race Course and Khidderpore Docks. December 14th, 2019. The Bhawanipur Education Society College (BESC) has one of the most active and vibrant NCC units in these parts of the country and for the cadets, it was indeed a matter of great honour when they got the chance to represent the college on board Indian Navy …

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