Platform: Round 1, 2 and 3 through google form and Video conferencing through Zoom
Round 1 – June 24, 2020; Round 2 – June 26, 2020, Round 3 – June 29, 2020 Finale – July 7, 2020.
The outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has created a global health crisis that has had a deep impact on the way we perceive our world and our everyday lives. The unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic spread rapidly across nations and country after country responded with lockdowns, making about 1.5 billion students globally remain at home.
Under these circumstances, and in order to engage students in a constructive reflection on current and forthcoming challenges, The National Service Scheme (NSS) unit of THE BHAWANIPUR EDUCATION SOCIETY COLLEGE had organized an online awareness quiz called “THE PANDEMIC”.
Covid-19 quizzes have surged in popularity, and thanks to technology, family and friends are able to take part in virtual quizzes from around the world. This quiz had 4 rounds, the magnitude of difficulty extending with every level. Every student is awarded a certificate of participation. For the first 3 rounds students were provided with a link to google forms where they were given their questions. The finale was held at Zoom Meeting. The winners for the finale with 1st position going to Subham Jhunjhunwala from Bcom, Semester VI with a score of 550 Points which was closely followed by Sankalpa Pal and Rukaiya Mohammed Vana.
Much of human history has been disrupted by disease outbreaks, usually caused by infectious diseases. This quiz, provided the students a chance to brush up on their pandemic facts. A series of questions were designed to help the students understand this pandemic and how to protect themselves and prepare for it.
“When you dance, you can enjoy the luxury of being you.” – Paulo Coelho Resuming its activities after the holidays, The Bhawanipur Education Society College was geared up to organise and host the 9th edition of the much-awaited event of the Bhawanipur Dance Championship or BDC on the 12th of November 2024. BDC is the …
The world has never witnessed a situation even remotely close to what it is going through now, locked down as it is. Naturally, the level mental, psychological stress is shooting through the stratosphere and especially vulnerable are young adults of the college going age who are not only being subjected to an inordinate amount of …
Department of English, The Bhawanipur Education Society College On 28th July 2020, an international online reading session titled ‘Writing in Confinement’ (in collaboration with IQAC) was organized by the English department of The Bhawanipur Education Society College. The event was open to all the faculty members and students of the college, along with research scholars, …
The Bhawanipur Education Society College presents a session with Dr. Sumit D. Chowdhury, author ‘Rules of the Game’ on 12th February, 2015 at the 6th Floor Auditorium. The first session begins at 10 AM and the second session begins at 12 Noon. Contact Kumar at 7278089299 and Siddhant at 9831884492. Click on the registration link …
Platform: Round 1, 2 and 3 through google form and Video conferencing through Zoom
Round 1 – June 24, 2020;
Round 2 – June 26, 2020,
Round 3 – June 29, 2020
Finale – July 7, 2020.
The outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has created a global health crisis that has had a deep impact on the way we perceive our world and our everyday lives. The unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic spread rapidly across nations and country after country responded with lockdowns, making about 1.5 billion students globally remain at home.
Under these circumstances, and in order to engage students in a constructive reflection on current and forthcoming challenges, The National Service Scheme (NSS) unit of THE BHAWANIPUR EDUCATION SOCIETY COLLEGE had organized an online awareness quiz called “THE PANDEMIC”.
Covid-19 quizzes have surged in popularity, and thanks to technology, family and friends are able to take part in virtual quizzes from around the world. This quiz had 4 rounds, the magnitude of difficulty extending with every level. Every student is awarded a certificate of participation. For the first 3 rounds students were provided with a link to google forms where they were given their questions. The finale was held at Zoom Meeting. The winners for the finale with 1st position going to Subham Jhunjhunwala from Bcom, Semester VI with a score of 550 Points which was closely followed by Sankalpa Pal and Rukaiya Mohammed Vana.
Much of human history has been disrupted by disease outbreaks, usually caused by infectious diseases. This quiz, provided the students a chance to brush up on their pandemic facts. A series of questions were designed to help the students understand this pandemic and how to protect themselves and prepare for it.
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