The Bhawanipur Education Society College presents a 2-day National Seminar on Paradigm Shift in Indian Indirect Tax Structure organized by the Research and Publication Cell, P.G. Department of Commerce on 22nd & 23rd December, 2017 at 6th Floor Auditorium (Concept Hall). Last date for registration is Monday, 18th December, 2017.
Vasant Panchami, the fifth day of spring is the most auspicious day in the lives of students and all those who revere knowledge, for the day is celebrated here in the east along with other parts of India as Saraswati Puja. Saraswati is the Goddess of knowledge, music, art, wisdom and learning – a part …
Type of Activity: Training programme for the teachers on on Mentoring and Counselling Course Date/ Duration of Activity (from-to): 08.08.2022 t0 28.09.2022 (50 hours) Time: Morning Batch: 10:30am-12:30pm | Afternoon & Evening Batch: 3:30pm-5:30pm Details of Resource persons/ Judges/ Special Guests, etc: Ms. Salony Priya, Ms. Nikita Jalan No. of Participants: 34 Objective of the …
The Faculty Development Programme (FDP) envisions the development of faculties and researchers through familiarizing them with recent trends and methodologies of different fields of academia. The Bhawanipur Education Society College has always been keen to reconfigure the perspective of its faculties and students at per development of diverse avenues of knowledge. Recently from 11-20 Dec. …
The Phenomenon collective of The Bhawanipur Educational Society College organised a students’ discussion session on 13th December 2021 at the college campus. The topic was “METAVERSE”, the topic which will be leading the future as assumed by many major scientists and analysts. Metaverse is a hypothesized representation of the Internet, supporting online 3-D virtual environments through conventional personal computing, …
A 2-day National Seminar on Paradigm Shift in Indian Indirect Tax Structure
The Bhawanipur Education Society College presents a 2-day National Seminar on Paradigm Shift in Indian Indirect Tax Structure organized by the Research and Publication Cell, P.G. Department of Commerce on 22nd & 23rd December, 2017 at 6th Floor Auditorium (Concept Hall). Last date for registration is Monday, 18th December, 2017.
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Saraswati Puja
Vasant Panchami, the fifth day of spring is the most auspicious day in the lives of students and all those who revere knowledge, for the day is celebrated here in the east along with other parts of India as Saraswati Puja. Saraswati is the Goddess of knowledge, music, art, wisdom and learning – a part …
Faculty Mentoring Workshop-Session-II
Type of Activity: Training programme for the teachers on on Mentoring and Counselling Course Date/ Duration of Activity (from-to): 08.08.2022 t0 28.09.2022 (50 hours) Time: Morning Batch: 10:30am-12:30pm | Afternoon & Evening Batch: 3:30pm-5:30pm Details of Resource persons/ Judges/ Special Guests, etc: Ms. Salony Priya, Ms. Nikita Jalan No. of Participants: 34 Objective of the …
FDP on ‘Research in Humanities and Social Sciences: Methodologies, Perspectives, and Dialogue’
The Faculty Development Programme (FDP) envisions the development of faculties and researchers through familiarizing them with recent trends and methodologies of different fields of academia. The Bhawanipur Education Society College has always been keen to reconfigure the perspective of its faculties and students at per development of diverse avenues of knowledge. Recently from 11-20 Dec. …
Meta Verse
The Phenomenon collective of The Bhawanipur Educational Society College organised a students’ discussion session on 13th December 2021 at the college campus. The topic was “METAVERSE”, the topic which will be leading the future as assumed by many major scientists and analysts. Metaverse is a hypothesized representation of the Internet, supporting online 3-D virtual environments through conventional personal computing, …